Ch 13: Polish and Pain

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Little Sasuke smiled gleefully at his blackened nails. Naruto had indeed found himself something to paint again or rather another smaller Sasuke with freer hands. It was strange painting on nails so kiddie sized and he was more fidgety than his older counterpart but the struggle was worth it to see his elated smile. There was nothing like a little spa treatment to get any Sasuke into a better mood.

The little boy wiggled his fingers watching the polish gleam in the light of his bedroom. He liked them. He didn't hide it as well as his older self. Naruto couldn't keep the grin off his face.

"Like 'em Sassy?" Naruto capped the polish with a grin putting it back in the scroll.

"They're fine, I guess. They're just like...mine." Little Sasuke looked away in stubborn disinterest when he realized Naruto had caught him smiling. The little boy forced the smile away. "It's whatever."

"Ah whatever." Naruto nodded legs criss crossed. "Gotcha. Okay, I thought it'd be cool if you matched my Sasuke. But if you don't like em that much I can take it off-"

"No! Don't you dare you overgrown loser!" Tiny Sasuke pulled his nails back jumping to his feet. Naruto couldn't help but laugh. He couldn't really appreciate just how cute that pout was when he was the same size, but his husband was fucking adorable now that Naruto was old enough to see it.

Naruto always knew Sasuke thought it was cool. Not that he would ever bother to do it himself, the bastard. That said, The Uchiha had always seemed to like a pop of color or even lack there of. Naruto should know. He caught his husbands eyes wearing the brightest orange on the planet afterall. The seventh hokage was pretty proud of that. Maybe it had something to do with his sharingan seeing chakra as colors. Naruto idly wondered if all sharingan did that or if it was user specific. Did it depend on the eyes? He'd never really asked Sasuke that. It was probably dumb. He was definitely going to ask him at dinner. He was curious, and if Sasuke didn't know maybe one of his other family members would.

"Really, Sas, it's no sweat. Just hold out your hands. It's not dry, it'll come off real easy." Naruto made to grab for him with a grin.

"Urgh, shut up, you're an idiot!" He turned his head towards his door. "Itachi!" Little Sasuke yelled curling his fingers away from Naruto. "Big brother, I need you to protect my fingers!" Little Sasuke leapt over little Naruto who was busy finger painting a fox hugging a hawk or maybe it was just blobs of color. None of the adults could tell and little Sasuke wasn't really paying attention to the picture to decipher it.

Little Sasuke shoved Itachi's door open, twisting the knob with his shoulder and chin to enter. He scurried into Itachi's room slamming the door shut behind him with a kick.

"Sasuke," Itachi sighed, oh so tired. The door shut a bit too loud for his headache. "What are you doing in here?"

"You didn't come when I called!"

"Get out." Itachi ordered. He'd had enough of the little shit for one day.

"But I need you! I can't use my hands they're not dry! Big Kage Naruto is being a meanie, and-and you've gotta save me!"

"Why can't you protect yourself?"

"Huh?" Sasuke glared. "I just told you why, 'tachi!"

"Your older self's down stairs." Itachi explained further head resting on his arms. "Ask him."

"But I'm busy!"

"Sasuke, I really don't care." Itachi turned his head away. He sipped on his water, tilting the bottle to his lips. "I'm busy too."

"No you're not!" Sasuke protested. He ran around to the other side of Itachi's bed stomping his foot. "You're just lying there."

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