Ch 29: Out of Sight

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"I'm going to ask you this...very calmly." Sasuke started, and it seemed he was taking great effort to keep his hand from curling into a fist. Naruto's arms wrapped around his middle cuddling him like a teddy bear as the group stood in the hall. Shikamaru, Ino, Shino, Hinata, Sai, Choji, Kakashi, Orochimaru and Ibiki all crammed in next to the stairs."Who did you leave in charge of the village?"

"Sakura and Temari." Shino replied. "Why? Because after all who have gathered here. They are the most qualified."

"Exactly." Ino agreed resting her hands on her hips. "So you two have nothing to worry about. The village will be just fine when we get back and you two will have the support you need."

"Temari." Sasuke's eye twitched. "Temari? Ready to pop out a damned baby, Temari?" Sasuke glared, his fingers twitching. They wanted to curl. "And Sakura, who is so overwhelmed at work she doesn't have enough time to sleep let alone go on a date with Idate? That's who you all left in charge of the village!? You've got to be fucking kidding me."

"Hey, that's my wife you're talking about and you're former teammate." Shikamaru's tone was in warning. "I know this seems troublesome..."

"Oh, we are so passed troublesome!" Sasuke stormed forwards leaving Naruto's arms. His finger pointed into Shikamaru's flak jacket. "Your wife is supposed to be on bed rest propping her fucking feet up, not filling out mile high piles of paperwork on Naruto's desk!What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you here!?"

"I'm here because you need help, Uchiha." Shikamaru glared in return, swatting Sasuke's hand aside. "You could stand to be a little more grateful. Or do you not want to save your clan?"

Sasuke grit his teeth and he looked away sharply. Almost grimacing. He gave no reply.

Naruto stepped forwards and pulled Sasuke into his arms again. He nuzzled his cheek against Sasuke's coaxing him into a small kiss before his attention moved to his advisor.

  "Shika." Naruto's voice held warning. He spoke slowly, but sharply. "Nows not a great time...we had dinner with his parents last night, and Sas and his dad had this spar...let's just say things haven't been going too great."

The kage's voice lowered, "They don't really approve of me and him..."

"Oh, Naruto..." Hinata frowned fist just under her chin. "...I'm so sorry..."

"It's fine." Sasuke sighed heavily.

"No. It's not." Kakashi denied. He wanted to stride into the kitchen and smack Sasuke's father-maybe Mikoto too, but before he could-a sharp cry caught his highly trained ears. Not a moment later Ibiki walked out of the bathroom holding Sassy by the ankle. The boys wrist bandage practically falling off, his blood dripping to the floor.

"I didn't even do anything!" Sassy flailed. "Lemme go!"

"No." Ibiki denied, spinning the confiscated kunai around on his finger.

"Oh, Sasuke, my poor boy." Orochimaru bent down. Attending to the bandage as Ibiki held him up. Orochimaru tapped his tongue against the back of his own teeth. "What are we going to do with you?"

Sassy winced as the bandage was tightened.

"Like you're getting a damned say." Naruto muttered none too quietly-practically growling each word.

"Hey, there's no need to make a fuss." Chouji began slowly. "He's here to help."

"Help? Like hell am I letting-"

"Naruto - it's fine." Sasuke cut off his husband.

"Is not! He's so- you're-" Naruto struggled to find the right words and let out a sound frustration instead.

"Look, normally in a case like yours, Uchiha, I would recommend removing every kunai out of the house." Ibiki began. "However, seeing as how there is someone out to kill you- we'll refrain from that course of action."

"Not to mention that method didn't work last time we tried it." Adult Sasuke sighed. "Just make sure he keeps his wrists covered. Out of sight, out of mind. That method worked for years."

"Did it though?" Ino frowned.

"Where the hell are you two going?" Shikamaru demanded as Sasuke headed towards the door pulling his husband with him.

"To train. You all can babysit." Sasuke paused at the doorway. "I...I need to get away...for a bit."

With that said, Sassy was left in the hands of Ibiki and the others.

I'm back guys and so is this story! Stay tuned for more! Job searching is a bitch Lemme tell you!

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