Ch 14: Dinner Dawns

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Fugaku Uchiha arrived home from work.
Dinner was just about ready. Perhaps this family dinner wasn't Sasuke's finest idea, considering he'd have to deal with his father again, but no. There was no backing out. He was many things but he was not a coward. He could do this. He would do this...for his mom, for his husband, maybe even for himself.

One dinner with his father, mother and brother. One last time. Even if he was going to hate every second of it. Even if he had to put himself through hell for a little while, bite his tongue a thousand times and wear out his gloves from the force of a clenched fist under the table, he owed Naruto the experience of a true family meal. He owed his mother the reassurance that he grew up into someone she'd be happy to have as a son. Most of all he owed it to himself to sit there and face them all.

Fugaku glowered, a fresh newspaper from today tucked under his arm as he set his sights on adult Sasuke placing dishes of food on the kitchen table. Seeing his adult son once more was not a welcome sight. "You've got some nerve showing your face here again."

"Perhaps I do. Preparing dinner for your undeserving ass is definitely more effort than your worth." Sasuke didn't lift his head to acknowledge his father. "But mom deserved a night off after the days commotion, so here I am."

"A commotion you started."  Fugaku tossed his newspaper down on the counter. He was about to pour himself some tea but Sasuke swiped the items before he could. Fugaku glared at the back of his son's head.

"That's debatable." Sasuke denied. "Way I remember instigated. I retaliated." He set the cup down in his fathers usual spot at the table. "But it doesn't really matter. Naruto and I, we're leaving tonight. Tolerate my husband and I for an hour or two. One meal. That's all. I give you my word that I'll remain civil to the best of my ability for the duration." He poured some tea into his fathers cup. "The same is expected of you in return."  Sasuke set down the kettle on the table. "As soon as dinners over, we're taking our younger selves and going elsewhere. Sit down now and we can get this over with that much faster."

"You're taking yourself?" Fugaku actually seemed concerned as he settled himself at the table. "Where?"

"What do you care? I was under the impression I was being disowned by you. It shouldn't be any of your concern."

"You." Fugaku glared. "Not the one in the academy."

"Differentiating us is pointless. We're the same person. You disown me, you disown him."

"You're not the same boy." Fugaku denied. "Not even close."

"What makes you say that?"  Sasuke frowned, risked a glance at the other man and then promptly shut his eyes. Sasuke took a breath to quell whatever bits of anger flared at the look of disgust on his fathers face and held up a hand. "Actually, forget I asked. Any reason you give'll probably make me send the table through the wall." 

He walked over to the back door, lowering his voice as he poked his head out. "Uh, Mom? Dinner's ready...if you want to come in and eat. Dad's home too."

"Oh, Sasuke, sweetheart." Mikoto came into the kitchen hand on her chest as she eyed the table. It was like her son had ordered out from a gourmet million dollar restaurant. "This all looks so lovely. You could have just made something simple. You didn't have to go through so much trouble."

"Mm-'m" Sasuke denied, offering her his hand to hold as she eased herself down to sit at the table beside his father. "No trouble. Really, cookings easy. I'm pretty good at it. 'Scuse me for a second. I need to collect the rest of our dinner guests." He got as far as the kitchen doorway before he yelled out the door. "Dinners ready! 'Tachi, mini me let's go." Sasuke clapped his hands, a pair of chopsticks in his hands that he'd swiped from the table. "Oi! Naruto! Wash your hands! Both sets! I mean it! I have chopsticks and you do not want to end up like that assassin I fought three years ago. I will do to you what I did to him if you don't use soap up there."

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