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It was around 2am in the morning, when teju woke up due to some pain around her br**** area...

Teju was admiring her little husband who was sleeping like a little baby while sucking her br****...
She moved a bit to adjust herself. Due to it Karan woke up.He started sucking her again.

T: Karan
K: mmm (while doing his business)
T: Karan can you stop baby, its sored pls baby
K: Baby I want more... A little while more pls...
T: Okay. At least change to the other side baby. It's a little painful sunny... (in her baby voice with a pout)
K: I'm sorry laddo...
T: It's okay... Come this side...

With that karan changed side and start his business while teju fell a sleep...
It was 8 in the morning the sunlight started to flash on my face and I waok up to see my cute little sunny sleeping like a baby...

T: Sunny, wake up baby
Karan woke up start to suck her br****
T: Good Morning my little (kiss his cheek)
K: Good Morning laddo (kiss her check and hug her more that there wasn't any space)
T: Baby it's 8 already. Leave me I have work to do.
K: No... Stay with me... (with that he pull her into a tight hug)
T: Sunny i have to make breakfast and prepare for the pooja baby... Pls let me go my little (with a pout)
K: mmm but give me a kiss... (pointing at his lips)
T:(she gave him a peak on his lips and went towards the door) Faster shower and come down in 30mins, we have to start the pooja sunny...
K: Okay meri maa...
Teju giggle and when down...
T: Good Morning mamma (she hug her & took her blessings)
MK: Good Morning beta (hug her and kissed her forehead)
PK: Give me some love teju...
T: Good Morning pappa (she hug him & took his blessings)
PK: Good Morning beta (hug her and kissed her forehead)
All came down for breakfast and all wished each Good Morning.
MK: Where is sunny, teju
K: I am here mamma (hug her & kissed her )
MK: Good Morning sunny (hug & kiss his cheek)
K: Good Morning pappa (hug him)
PK: Good Morning son (hug him)
MK: Come let's start the pooja, it's 8.30 ready
Everyone: Okay mamma

They did the pooja peaceful and happily. After the pooja all had their breakfast and was chit chatting...

MD: Guys I have to tell you all something important
All gave a "what" look
K: What's up Di
MD: We will be leaving to the states in 3 days time
T: Why (tone became a little louder)
J: We have to be there by next Monday for an important operation. The operation is very risky and we have to be there teju. That's why we have to leave. We are sorry.
T:Okay (with a pout and sad)
K: I am letting you all go this time but next time I am going let you all go anywhere.
T: You're right sunny... We are not letting them go next time.
MD: Don't worry baby we stay longer when we come the next time...
K&T: Promise
J&MD: Promise... (with that the 4 of them had a group hug)

With this all of them was spending time in the leaving room.They had a long chit chat session and had their lunch as family, as it was a ritual for them to have their meals together as a family happily. Karan and Teju had their lunch on same plate and Teju feed Karan like how she used to do during the BB days.

Teju was admiring the bond between Karan and his sisters. She was reminded with her bond with her baby brother Pra. She was missing him and her family alot. She wasn't able to control her tears, so she went to her room. MK & Karan was noticing this...

MK: Sunny what happen
K: I don't know mamma, I'll go up and check on her don't worry...

Karan ran up to his room and saw his laddo standing at the balcony and crying. Karan hugged her from her back. Karan turned her towards him and brought her inside the room and sat on the bed...
Her head was on Karan's chest and he wrapped his arm's around her tightly. Protecting her from all the odds that will make his laddo sad and cry. He felt his shirt getting more and more wet...

K: What happen laddo, why are you crying baby
T: I am missing home sunny, I miss aai,papa,pra and deep sunny. I really miss them alot. I have never stayed one day away from them sunny.

Karan wiped her tears and kissed her forehead...

K: I am sorry laddo. I understand you baby.
T: You know when you and dis were talking and smiling, I got reminded of pra and my bond. We used to laugh and tease eachother just like you all. You know deep and I will all ways be in a team, just like you and juji.

Karan immediately leave her and went towards the wardrobe and took something.

K: Close your eyes swetti..
T: Why
K: Close your eyes I said (She closed her eyes)
K: Open your eye

It was a photo frame of her,baba,deep,pra and aai...She opened her eye and she was soo emotional seeing the frame. She ran to her sunny, hugged him ad cried.

K: From now on my laddo will not miss them, whenever she miss them she will see this photo.
T: Thank you soo much sunny. I love you. (she hug him & kiss his cheek)
K: I love you too baby. (he kissed her nose and eyes)
K: We will go and see them tomorrow okay.
Teju nodded her head in agreement.
K: Now stop crying ladoo. I am hungry can I have a cup of tea darling pls.
T: Sure sunny (she kissed his cheek)
K: (kissed her nose and cheek)

The both of them went down. Karan went sat on the living room with his parents. Teju went to the kitchen to make Tea and snacks as it was tea time.

MK: What happen sunny

Karan told them whatever happened.

K: Don't worry mamma, she is better now.
T: Tea & pakkoda is ready everyone.
PK: Don't worry beta we are all here for you and whenever you feel like seeing your parents feel free to go and see them, and feel free to ask them to come and see you as well, so that we will be able to spend some quality time also..
T: (She giggles)Thank you soo much pappa. I am very happy to have all of you all as mine pappa.
PK: (hug her and kiss her forehead) Make sure come after seeing your parents...
All laughed...

They all spend the day chit chatting. All had their dinner as a family and watched a movie. After watching the movie all wished good night to eachother and went to their respective bedroom to end their day with a beautiful sleep...

Karan's Room

K: Laddo tomorrow we go see aai and baba at the noon, as morning I have an online interview.
T: Okay sunny, after your interview we go and see them.
T: Sunny I am really very greatful to have you as my husband and to have a wonderful family. Thank you soo much sunny...
K: I am also greatful to have you as my wife and to have your parents as mine and to have pra & deep as my younger siblings laddo, Thank you soo much.

Teju had tear at the side of her eyes.Karan wiped the the tears and pulled her into a hug and kiss all around her face..

T: Sunny you have a interview morning, so let's sleep now, so that you will be able to wake early tomorrow baby. (in a little cracking voice)
K: Okay baby. Good Night meri laddo.
T: Good Night My little. I love you sunny. (in her baby voice)
K: I love you too laddo.
He kissed her forehead and made her head rest on his chest. Within, a couple of minutes they slept cuddling eachother and hugged eachother tightly...❤

Precap;  Happiness:)

The next part will be uploaded Tomorrow...
Sorry if there are any spelling n grammatical errors🥺🙏...
Sorry guys i took a very long time to write this part.
Hope you all liked the story...
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I am really grateful for all your love and support and please continue to support me thank you😍...
Lots of love ❤...

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