With Me💫🧡

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K: baby are you okay
T: I am fine sunny
K: I was fucking scared laddo, i wasn't able to connect you, didn't know where you was. We're you safe. I didn't know what to do at all. I called you so many times but you didn't answer the call. Than you called me using ajmal phone, but wasn't able to talk to you and you was sounding very tensed. Above all that I was waiting for you for so long. I was very worried laddo. (teary eyes)
T: I am really very sorry sunny. My phone battery was over that's why I couldn't call you. I am very sorry (got emotional)
K: Wait... Why were you late. Actually your shoot end at 7pm. By the time you reach home should be 8pm. Than why were you caught in the terrific and rain
T: actually I ended shoot at 7.30 only. Immediately after pack up, I changed and was about to leave when I was told that I have to do a ad for insta. That's why I was late (low tone)
K: why didn't you inform me (high tone)
T: cuz my phone was dead and I was rushing to come back home (crying)
K: please teju may this be the first and last time you doing this. You don't know how worried I was. Please (low tone)
T: I am sorry sunny. I promise I will not do this again. Please (pout & baby voice)
K: awww my baby, come here (arms open)
T: (hug him) sunny, I am hungry
K: Ok, go wash your face and come we will have dinner together

They ate their dinner by feeding each an other. After having dinner they opened their heart and talked and solve their thinking. They went to bed happily with each other in their arms...
With this this story ends here...
Thank you soo much...❤
Your writer
I am think of writting a new story.
It will be an OS story.
What you all think...

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