Where's my laddo

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It has been 2 days since they fought and since they both have talked to each an other.Teju have been avoiding him by going to sleep early and waking up after he leaves for shoots.
Karan was also avoiding her by waking up before her and going to shoot early and coming back late after shoots to see her sleeping.
The both of them were missing each other too much.But they just can't let go of the fight and go back to each other.Teju was waiting for Karan to talk to her first.On the other hand, Karan was waiting for Teju to talk to him first.

Karan's POV
It was 10am and I woke up.I didn't have shoot today so I woke up a little later than the past 2 days.I woke up to find Teju not sleeping beside me.I was taken a back. I searched for her in toilet but she wasn't there. Then I start to shout her name.I searched for her the whole house but she wasn't there.
I even I asked my cook she told me that Teju leave the house very early.The cook told that she asked her where is she going but she didn't tell her anything about where is she going.I started to feel restless.I wanted her to be with me right now. I needed her hug.I needed her kiss.I wanted her to call me sunny.
In this 2 days, we have talked a little than and there.Whenever we talked she always calls me Karan and not Sunny.Which hurts me alot.I was missing her voice and her calling me sunny in her baby voice.
I wanted to hear her soo badly.Time was running and I was becoming more and more restless, as I didn't know where she was and how she is.All i prayed was for her safety and I didn't want anything to happen to her and that was the last thing on my mind.
As in this past 2 days she was looking very weak and even my cook was telling me that she dose not eat her food.All this was running in my head and heart I was becoming more and more restless and all this started to suffocate me in the time being.. (Karan's POV End)

Karan calls Omi and told him everything that happened and ask him if he knows about Teju's whereabouts.Omi told him that he don't know anything and he inform him if he get to know anything.He also told karan that he is upset with the way karab reacted.Karan told him that he knew that this time he had screwed up everything.
And, all he wants now is for her to be safe and nothing must happened to her.Karan told him to ask Jessica if she knows anything about Teju.He also told omi to not tell mamma and pappa about anything.As they will worry and get tensed.With that they end the call

Karan called pra and told him everything and asked him if he knows anything about Teju.He told him no and he was disappointed and told him that he will inform him if he knows anything.Karan also asked him to ask deep if she knows anything.He also told pra to not tell aai and baba about anything as they will stress themselves and worry alot.
Pra agreed to everything.With that they end the call.Karan was searching for her at all of her favourite places and the places that they will go to often.But he couldn't find her at any of the places. Every minute his heart beat was rising and he was praying and hoping nothing happens to his laddo.

Karna was helpless as all of their loved ones does not know where she is and they are also clueless about where she went and how she is and what she is doing.At that time karan get a call from someone (SM).

SM: Hi sir is this Karan Kundrra
K: Yes, who is speaking
SM: I am calling from xyz hospital, regarding Tejasswi Prakash Kundrra is she related to you
K: Yes she is my wife, what is wrong with her
SM: Sir we could you come down to the hospital as soon as possible, please
K: Yes I will be there in 15 mins.

He immediately rush to the hospital and he informed pra and omi and told them to come to the hospital immediately.He was praying that nothing should happen to his laddo.All of them were in hospital waiting for Karan. Karan ran to the receptionist and asked for Teju's name and she told him to turn right and go straight.He went there and saw the rest of them waiting there.Pra and Omi saw him and ran to him.Both of them hug him.Karan was too vulnerable that he started to cry alot once seeing all of them.Then, the doctor came out and

Precap; My Love❤

The next part will be uploaded Tomorrow...
Sorry if there are any spelling n grammatical errors🥺🙏...
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Lots of love ❤...

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