My Love ❤

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Doctor told the nurse inside the room before she left to her cabin...

D: Send her relatives to my cabin
N: Okay mam

Nurse came out...

N: Is patient Tejasswi Prakash Kundrra's relative here.
K: Yes, I am her husband
N: Sir doctor wants to see you, can you follow me to her cabin
K: Sure (he told everyone and left to see the doctor)

In the doctor cabin...

The doctor (Anandha {A}) knows karan very well because she is their family doctor.Anandha and meenu di studied in the same college.
They also stayed in the same hostel together in the states.Therefore, Anandha was well known by his family and himself.

A: Hi Karan,
K: Hi Anandha, how is she now, what happened to her, is she fine
A: Karan wait let me talk
K: I am sorry.
A: Don't worry Karan she fine. She has not eaten anything for the past couple of days, she is very weak and she was dehydrated. Due to that she fainted and was brought to the hospital by ambulance.
K: Okay Anandha, from where was she from
A: It seems that she was at the nearby Durga Maa temple and a passer-by saw her fainted on the ground and she called the ambulance.
K: Ohh I see. Can I go and see here now
A: Sure but 1 at a time.But don't disturb her as she is still unconscious.The nurse will inform you once she is conscious, then you can go and see her.
K: Thank soo much Anandha.You are the best.
A: Enough for now, go and see your wife. I will come and see her after lunchtimes.
K: Sure Anandha, see you later

Karan left the cabin and went to see teju.

In the ward

Karan went inside to see her as the nurse inform then that she is conscious.

Karan's POV

I went inside the room to see my love laying on the bed and looking at me. Her cute lips was dry. Her cute little eyes was swollen due to the non stop crying. She looked very pale and tired. She looked very weak and was very exhausted. My heart ached as all this happened because of me.
Due to guilt I wasn't able to see her. This wasn't my laddo. My laddo is a chat box she can't stop talking, but today she is very quite. She is not my laddo, my laddo's laughter can't be heard because of me. I should have looked from her point. I should have heard her. I should have understood her...
(Karan's POV End)

T: sunny

K's pov
After 2 days I heard her voice calling me sunny. Thank god she didn't call me karan. Her voice sounded very cranky and soft. I felt a sharp pain in my heart once hearing that voice of hers calling me sunny. I couldn't control my tears. I started to cry.
(K's Pov End)

T: come here my little (in baby voice & with her arms open)
K: (he hugged her) I am sorry laddo
T: sunny can we talk about it later please. I just want a tight hug please. I miss you sunny.
K: I miss you too laddo
T: I love you (kiss his cheeks)
K: I love you too baby (kiss all around her face)
T: sunny can we talk
K: we have our whole life time to talk laddo. You rest now, we can talk later baby
T: I want to clear things first, it's been too long. I don't want to drag things. Please sunny. (they broke the hug)
K: sure. But let me talk first
T: okay
K: laddo I am really very sorry that I overreacted. I should have listened to what you have to say. I should have not walked away while talking. I am really sorry baby. I promise I will not react like this again. (he was holding her hand)
T: (was crying) I am also very sorry sunny. I should have given you all my attention. I know how much you need my attention and me especially when you come back from shoots. I am really very sorry sunny. I promise I will give you all my attention baby. (she hug him)
K: stop baby please. (Wipe her tears)
T: sunny
K: (no response)
T: sunny talk to me
K: I am not talking to you (in angry tone)
T: Why (in baby voice and with a pout)
K: Why didn't you eat your food properly and cry non stop.
T: No sunn
K: (even before she could continue he talked) don't tell no all, what you did is wrong and what if anything else happened. Luckily you fainted at temple and not any road side. What would have happened.
T: nothing would have happened because I know my sunny will come to safe me (in baby voice)
K: (he was controlling his blush) not funny
T: who told you it's funny (giggling)
K: (hold her cheeks with his hand each side) laddo jokes aside. I am being serious, never do this again. Understand. You know how I felt when you wasn't at home. You know where all I was finding you. I was so mad on myself. I felt like die (he had tears in his eyes)
T: sunny what are you talking, I know what I did was wrong, but you don't need to use this type of words what. I don't want you to use this type of words any more at all, you understand. (she was crying)
K: I am sorry laddo (hug & kiss his cheek)
T: I am sorry sunny(hug & kiss her cheek)

With that all of them came to see her and they were there for a while with them. Then, they informed their respective parents about Teju being admitted in hospital. Then the rest left home and only Karan was at hospital with Teju. After lunchtime, the doctor came to check teju.
Doctor told her take good rest as she is very weak and to eat properly. Teju had her lunch and medicine and feel a sleep due to the medication. Karan was looking at her cute little baby face. About an hour later Teju woke up.

T: ahhh sunny sunny ahhh (shouting)
K: laddo what happend baby
T: sunny my stomach is very painful (screaming and crying)
K: laddo baby let me call the nurse
T: please don't leave me it's very painful, I can't take it, I feel like dieing (crying)
K: Baby please don't talk like this laddo. Please wait let me call the nurse (crying)

Just in time the nurse came to check on teju. Karan told the nurse everyone. The nurse immediately called doctor Anandha.

K: Baby please bear the pain for a little  while laddo doctor is coming (hugging her and crying)
T: ahhh sunny it's paining alot, I can't take the pain, please do something (screaming and crying)
K: Baby please laddo

Just in time doctor Anandha came and asked Karan to wait outside.But teju didn't let go off his hand.Karan told her that he will be waiting for his laddo outside and he went outside.After half an hour doctor came out.

Precap; How will I tell her 🥺

The next part will be uploaded tomorrow...
Sorry if there are any spelling and any  grammatical errors🥺🙏...
Hope you all liked the story and please remember to vote & comment😚...
I am really grateful for all your love and support and please continue to support me thank you😍...
Lots of love ❤...

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