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Teju's Pov
It's been a week since I returned back to shoot. The past 3 months has been the most beautiful time in my life. As i got to spent the whole 3 months with my sunny and loved ones. The 3 months was a easy journey for me because of aai,baba, mamma,pappa ,omi,jessica, deep,pra,pravez bhai, both sunny's and my team and of course not forgetting my love, my sunny. I am really thankful to my Ganbathi Baba for all of them. Mamma and pappa have returned back to the states. Pra and Deep have also returned to the states.
Teju's Pov End

K: I am really very happy for you laddo
T: Ya, finally sunny I am gg back to shooting. But I am nervous sunny (with a pout)
K: all the best baby, don't worry. You will make it
T: Thanks for always being the biggest support for me sunny (pout & hug him)
K: Always laddo (kiss her cheek)
T: I love you sunny (kiss his cheek)
K: I love you too baby (kiss her forehead)
O: Hi teju and karan bhai
T&K: Hi omi, how is jess
J: Hi sweetie, Hi Karan (hug both of them)
T: Hi jess, how are you
J: I am good, how are you both
K: we are good
O: Okay guys stop talking, we have to leave.If not teju will be late for shoot (strict tone)
T: sorry, let's leave (with a pout)
J: All the best darling, you will rock it (hug her)
T: Thank you jess. Thanks for being there for me always and forever. (with tears)
J: I love you
T: I love tou too
O: All the best and we are all very proud of you teju bhai (hug her)
T: Thank you soo much bhai. Thanks for always being so supportive bhai
O: Always and forever (wipe her tears)
K: Awww... (they had a group hug)
O: Guys, times up let's get going if not teju will be late for late and stop crying or else you will look unpleasant
T: Ya I don't want to be late and I don't want to look unpleasant
O: Okay come let's leave

With this they left the house and went towards the car.

P: All the best teju madam
T: Thank you soo much bhai

Pravza bhai left tejran's house and reached teju's set

K: Don't forget to take rest during breaks. Take your lunch on time. And during lunch we are to eat together via video call. Don't stress yourself. Okay
T: (I wonder if he is my husband or my father. As he is talking to me like my father) Okay
K: Bye, love you laddo (hug & kiss)
T: Bye, love you sunny (in baby voice, hug & kiss)

The rest of them left for karan's shoot and teju went to her vanity. Teju saw a bouquet with a letter, donuts and lots of chocolates on the table. There was something written.
"Welcome back beautiful💕. Hope you had a very good rest and get well. We are really  looking forward to travel with you in this journey of yours (ours). All the best wishes for the upcoming adventures teju. Lots of love. Enjoy the chocolates and donuts. With love your crew family ❤...

Teju's Pov
I saw the table was filled with a beautiful bouquet, donuts and lots of chocolates. I also saw a hand written letter. I read the letter, it was from my crew family. Yes, that's how I call them my family. They always been a family to me. It was soo sweet of them. I was very emotional and I had tears at the edge of my eyes. I felt lucky to have them with me in my life. I am thankful to my babba and my lucky stars...
Teju's Pov End

Precap; Time
Sorry for not uploading the parts regularly. I was busy with my grandmother as she is admitted in hospital. I am also been a little low and stress lately, I hope you all will understand my situation. I am really sorry for keeping you all in waiting guys. I hope I will be uploading the next part soon. Please don't forget to vote and comment on the story and please feel free to give me ideas on what should I write about on the next part. Please continue to support me and to shower me with all your loves and blessings...🙏❤
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