First Fight

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Teju's POV

It's been a week since all left to the states. It's been 2 days since Machu di, pappa and mamma have left for Punjab due to some business work. It's only us at. Sunny has started his shootings so his quite busy at work. I have yet to start my shootings. Thank God I don't have shoots else I will not be able to make time for my sunny.

It's 6pm now. I was cooking dinner for us, as he told me that he will be home after shoot by 7.30pm. I was making his favourite butter chicken and rotis. At about 7pm, I was done with preparing dinner. I freshen up and came down thinking my sunny will be here but end to my thinking he wasn't here yet. I was obsessed with the TV until my phone rang. I took my phone and saw it was Vishal...

V: Hi Teju, how are you it's been long since I hear from you
T: I am good Vishal, how r u doing
V: I am good, how is Karan doing
T: He's doing good. What's up you called after a long-time bro
V: I called you after watching your new music video, it was really very nice, the both of your chemistry was fantastic.
T: Thank you so much Vishal, it means a lot
V: You looked very pretty in that video Teju
T: Thank you so much Vishal. I saw your video also. You did very well Vishal.
V: Thank you so much Teju.
(Teju's POV End)

Karan's POV

On the other side at Karan's shoot

Karan had a hard day in shoot as there was some fighting scenes and the shooting was too long as, the shoot was supposed to end at 6.30pm but the shoot was not over yet. Another thing that running on his mind was the fact that he had promised his laddo that he will at home for dinner. Finally, after an hour the shoot end at 7.30pm sharp. I quickly packed up and leave. On the way home, I bought chocolates, ice cream and donuts as I know my baby will be upset with me for being late. I reached home at 8 pm.

I entered my house with lots of fear. Thank God she isn't angry, I thought to myself as I saw her smiling. But she didn't hug or kiss me today. She didn't even look at me. I didn't know why. Until I got know that she was talking to someone on the phone and laughing. I was fucking irritated at her as she didn't pay attention to me at all. I was also trying to control my possessiveness, but I couldn't control it. I didn't like the fact that my laddo was laughing hardly because of Vishal and not me. I also didn't like the fact that she was not giving me my attention and she knows how much I need her and her attention very time I come back home from shoots..(Karan's POV End)

Teju's POV

Vishal and I was talking about BB days, we were talking about how much fun we had in that crazy mad house. We also were taking the fights that took place in that house. Then we talk about the upcoming projects that we will be doing.

Then he asked me about how my life after marriage is. I was telling him that I am enjoying this phase of life and I am looking forward to more as it's not even a month or more. I was also telling him that I am very lucky to get a husband like my sunny and in-laws like mamma and pappa and to have his family as mine.

Then we were talking about some random stuff. I was laughing out my lungs. It was a truly needed talk, as after a long time I was catching up with my bhabs. We were gossiping about some people whom we dislike, and we were laughing like mad people. I didn't even noise the time as the talk was fun...

Half of the conversation Vishal was flirting with me (hahaha). Thank God my sunny wasn't here if not he would have pulled my phone from me by now...
(Teju's POV End)

She was about to end conversation when she heard noise in the kitchen.

V: What noise is that teju
T: I am not sure, but the noise is coming from the kitchens
V: Ohh, go and check maybe Karan is home...
T: Okay Vishal, I will call u later. Take care. Bye...
V: Okay Teju. Take care. Bye...
(The call end)

After ending the call, I straight went to the kitchen to see the noise. And to my surprise my sunny was there trying to take the hot pot from the stove. I immediately took the towel from his hand and took the pot from the stove.

T: Sunny... When did you came?
K: Hahaha... Thank God finally you see me... (in a sarcastic tone)
T: Why are you being so bitter sunny
K: Who me
T: Sunny I don't understand why you are talking like that. It's okay, we will talk about it later. Now let's eat dinner first. They will get cold, go and sit I will bring the food.
K: All you care is about the food getting cold and about others only. You don't care about me at all.
T: What are you talking sunny, what do you mean by I don't care about you at all. You know how much I care about you sunny
K: No wonder you don't even know when I came
T: Sunny I was talking on the phone to (she didn't tell him that it was visual because she knows how much he hate him and she can see the reaction infront of her if he get to know if she was talking to vishal)
K: To who Teju, Vishal am I right
T: Sunny (she was shocked, then she realised that she told vishal's name before ending the call and she was he'll scared to what was going to happen and going to happen)
K: Talking to him is more important right
T: Sunny, I didn't realise you coming
K: It's been an hour since I came back home
T: I am sorry sunny (she tried hugging him but he back off)
K: You know how possessive I am, and you know how much I need you and your attention when I am back from shoot. But all you cared about is to talk with that Vishal. And, you know how much I hate him.

T: Sunny I am really very sorry. (She was on edge to cry)

With that Karan went to his room and close the door.

T: Sunny can you please try to understand me. (crying)

Teju's POV

I don't know how I am going to make him understand and convince him.

I cleaned the kitchen. After that I put food on a plate and went to my room. As, I didn't want him to sleep empty stomach.

(Teju's POV End)

T: Sunny can you please eat, I cooked all this for you baby
K: I don't want to eat. Please leave me. I am very sleepy
T: Sunny please at least eat one mouth baby please
K: Don't act like you care about me, just let me alone and I want to sleep.
T: Sunny I am very sorry, I didn't mean make you feel like this (she was crying heavily)
K: Its either you stop disturbing me or I leave the room and sleep in the car.
T: Sunny please eat one mouth, (she move her hand towards him to feed him)
K: (Push her hand due to that she she fell and the plate broke) I am sorry teju I didn't mean to...
T: Please I will go. But I am sorry Karan. (She leaves the room crying)

Precap; Sorry baby :)

I am sorry for not uploading the part yesterday as I was not feeling well.

The next part will be uploaded Tomorrow...

Sorry if there are any spelling and grammatical errors🥺🙏...
Sorry guys i took a very long time to write this part and this is one of the longest part that I have ever write..🤗
Hope you all liked the story...
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I am really grateful for all your love and support and please continue to support me thank you😍...
Lots of love ❤...

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