Caring 🥰

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It has been a month after the surgery.

K's Pov
I woke up to see my world sleeping in my chest her favourite pillow. She looked like a cute little baby with round face sleeping  peaceful. While I was admiring my baby the sun became jealous. So it decided to disturb my laddo's sleep by the sun rays flashing on her face. Due to that she frowned a little and woke up.
K's Pov End

K: good morning meri bachcha (kiss her cheek)
T: good morning sunny (snuggle more into him)
K: baby wake up its 9 in the morning already.
T: sunny 5 mins please (baby voice)
Karan couldn't say no to her so he nodded saying yes.
K: Baby what do you want for breakfast
T: cereals and french toast
K: Okay it's been 5mins, now u go get ready and come for breakfast fast. (kiss her nose and left)

They hade their breakfast together.

T: sunny where is mamma any pappa
K: they have went to a family function any they will only be back tomorrow baby
T: Ohh okay (sad face)
K: Okay come let's have breakfast, see I what I made.

She was very happy seeing cereals any french toast. Karan was wondering how food makes her. After breakfast they both sat on the living room sofa and watched a web-series.

T: sunny
K: yes
T: do you remember promising me that you will buy me anything I ask for
K: yes I remember, what is that to with now
T: sunnyiwanticecreamandships
K: what
T: sunny I want ice cream and chips
K: NO (raise his eyebrow)
T: you promise me na (baby voice & pout)
K: no means NO. I am not getting you any ice cream or any chips
T: but you promise me that you will get me anything I ask na
K: yes I did but I also told that this promise will not be applied when you are not feeling well laddo
T: sunny this is cheating (she turned the other side angry)
K: no it's not baby (he hug her)
T: I am not taking to you (she went to the room)

Karan laughed at his laddo's cute antics.

After a while he went to the room to see his laddo sleeping like a cute baby. He kiss her forehead and play with her hair

K: wake up laddo
T: mmm
K: wake up, you need to eat lunch and take medicines baby
T: sunny (baby voice)
K: come let's have lunch

Karan went to heat the food while teju was washing up.

T: sunny I don't want to eat that soup again
K: Baby you have to eat this soup, so that you can recover fast and after recovering you will be able to whatever you want na
T: Okay

Karan felt bad for doing this as she hated having the soup and he knew how bad it taste but he didn't have choice. As he wanted his laddo to recovery fast and be back to normal

K: have the rest of the soup, only a little more
T: sunny I am full
K: Baby only little more
T: no I am full
K: okay let's have a deal. If you finish the rest of the soup I will give you a surprise. Deal
T: Promise
K: Promise
T: Okay (very excited like baby)
K: meri cutie pie (kiss her cheek)

K's Pov
I was admiring her cuteness. She is already a kid but once hearing the word surprise she she became a cute little baby. After lunch we were sitting at the living room to complete the web-series.
K's Pov End

Teju's Pov
I was watching the movie by hugging him and my head was on his chest and we were cuddling eachother. All of a sudden my husband broke the hug and went to the kitchen. I asked him where is he going but he didn't answer me. Me being me went behind him to see where he is going and to find out why.
Teju's Pov End

T: sunny where are you going
Karan didn't response
T: sunny where are you going (irritated tone)
K: wait here I will come back
T: I don't care i am coming with you (angry tone)
K: whatever
Karan went the kitchen and he took a bowl of chips from the oven and took 2 tray of chocolate from the fridge.
K: yes laddo all for you baby (kiss her)
T: but just now you tell me, you are not getting me any and now you bought me all this
K: Ya and I didn't bought it
T: What are you saying sunny
K: I made it by myself just now when you were sleeping
K: Ya baba I made it
T: How, when, why

Karan immediately kisses her lips as she was asking him to many questions and this the only way to keep her quite.

K: I knew you were upset when I told NO to ice cream and chips. Because you may fall sick by eating ice cream and chips are too oily. So, I decided to make up to it by making the chips myself and I made the chocolates because NO to ice cream. I wanted to see the smile and make my laddo happy. So I made while you were sleeping (Kiss her forehead)
T: Thank you soo much sunny. I am really very lucky to have you as my husband baby. (In a emotional tone)
K: I am lucky to my laddo. (hug her)
T: I love you soo much sunny (kiss & hug)
K: I love you too laddo (kiss & hug)

K's Pov
We were watching series hugging, kissing and cuddling eachother. My laddo's head was resting on my chest, her favourite place. Then I got reminded of the chips being in the oven and the chocolates being in the fridge. I quickly broke the hug and went to the. But my laddo wasn't ready to leave me and she was asking me to many questions. She followed me to our kitchen. I took out the chips and chocolates and kept it on the table.
I saw my laddo becoming soo excited. The hard work in preparing this worth it I felt. She was over the moon once seeing her all time favourite food item. She was like kid who was longing to get her favourite and finally after a long time she is getting it. But my wife being my wife had too many questions to ask. I immediately kisses her on her lips and she became quite. I told her everything and she became a little emotional. But within a minute she became the cute little baby of mine and enjoyed her favourite food.
I was very happy seeing her happy. And I has a relief that finally she got to eat something better than the soup. I was admiring her enjoying the chips and chocolates. I was kissing her whole face there and then because she was too cute.
K's Pov End

After completing the series they slept hugging eachother on the sofa. After a good sleep of 2-3 hrs they got up and had their tea and both of them went for walking as her doctor has told Karan to keep teju occupied with activities which make her move around.
After walking they went back home and freshen up. It was dinner time after having dinner they talked their parents, dis, pra, deep, omi and jessica. After talking to their loved ones the both of them end their with a peaceful heart filled with lots of happiness and love.
With that they went to bed hugging and cuddling eachother and slept without worrying about what tomorrow will bring for them. As the moment was the most important and precious thing for them right now.

The next part will be uploaded soon.
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