Point Of View (POV)

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Karan was in his room laying on the bed. He went to sleep. But he couldn't and started to think and reflecte about what has happened just now with his laddo...

Karan's POV

Karan regretted his words and acts. He felt that he was too hard on his laddo. He felt bad for pushing her which leads her to fall.

He saw the tears in her eyes, her eyes told him that she was disappointed with his action. She was hurt alot. But at the same time he wasn't able to control his possessiveness and angry.

He knew that he was a little too much but the damn possessiveness took over his thoughs. He needed his laddo now.

He wanted his laddo's warm hugs very badly, he wanted h to kiss her, he wanted her touch and her presence, he wanted to run back to her but his possessiveness to over everything.

He became restless as the time was running. He needed his ladoo to control him and console him very badly
He wanted to run to her and apologise to her for my act.

But he wasn't sure if he should do it because she was made him upset. Then he thought to myself that he will wait for her to come to me. With all of this running in him he slept without peace.
(Karan's POV End)...

Teju was sitting on the living room sofa. She was very tired to think about anything. But, she couldn't stop herself from doing that as well. And she went into a deep thinking and realisation of whatever that took place a while ago with her sunny...

Teju's POV

I knew that this will be his reaction. But I don't know how to convince him. I know what I did was wrong. I should have been more attentive and I should have noticed when he came back.

But I didn't, it was my fault. I know how much my sunny needs me and my attention every day after coming back from shoot. I make it a habit to always welcome him home after shoots. But today I failed to do so today. Initially, I was upset on myself for not doing it.

At, the same time I was angry at him for the behaving in such a way. It was the very first time in my relationship with him, he have never done this act before. We have had even more worse fights. But have never pushed be before. I was very disappointed with what have happened. I know he was upset.

But that dose not give him the right to do that. I went to hug him very badly, kiss him, cuddle him and sleep, run to him and cry out loud and pour out whatever that is in my heart and mind. As, his the only who can handle me in any type of situation. Due to this my anxiety was increasing.

But my disappointment was not allowing me to do that. I didn't know to go to him or to wait for to come to me. My heart told me that he needs me to be with right now.

At the same time, my mind tells me that what he did was wrong. I didn't know what to do. With all the thoughts running in my mind and heart I fall a sleep with a heavy heart and mind on the living room sofa.
(Teju's POV End)...

Precap;  Please I need you

The next part will be uploaded Tomorrow or Monday...
Sorry if there are any spelling n grammatical errors🥺🙏...
I wanted this part to me short because I wanted it to be more on of their POV side..
Hope you all liked the story and please remember to vote & comment😚...
I am really grateful for all your love and support and please continue to support me thank you😍...
Lots of love ❤...

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