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It was 8 in the morning when the sunlight decided to disturb our sleep. I woke up to see my world in my arms sleeping. My cute laddo was sleeping like a cute little baby in my arms. I was admiring her for a good amount of time, but my bad luck the sunlight had a different plan. As, it woke up my laddo from her beautiful sleep.

K: Good Morning Laddo
T: Good Morning Sunny (in her sleepy voice)
K: Wake up baby, its already 8 am. We have go down for pooja. (kissed her forehead, eyes and nose)
T: Okay sunny (kissed his cheek)

The both of them took their shower, got ready and head down for their pooja and breakfast.

T&K: Good Morning mamma and pappa (hug them and took their blessings respectively)
MK&PK: Good Morning bachchas (hugged them)

The rest came down and greet everyone morning and took their parents blessings and did the pooja and had breakfast as a family and after breakfast the MK,PK,PD,MAD,MD, and J were chit chatting in the living room. Teju was in the play room with the kids playing games. Karan was in his room doing his online interview..

After a hour, Karan went to the living room to see Teju as he was missing his laddo. But, she wasn't there and he went to the play room to see the kids playing with Teju happily. He was admiring teju who became a kid while playing with the kids..

He wanted to protect her happiness till the end of her life. Karan coughed a little to grab Teju's attention, but unfortunately she was too into playing that she didn't hear his voice. But, Barath and Arjun heard his voice. They both turned and saw Karan, he signal them to leave the room.  

Teju was looking the other side, due to it she wasn't able to see the kids leaving the play room. She turned to see the kids as the room was quite. To her surprise the kids wasn't there in the play room and her sunny was hugging her from the back.

T: Sunny what are you doing here is your interview over, where is Barath and Arjun, you saw them sunny.. 

She was asking too many questions and did not let Karan to speak at all. Karan got an idea and  immediately kissed on her lips, she gave a shock look and pushed Karan..

T: Sunny what are you doing. What if the kids see us like this?
K: Don't worry Laddo I have sent them out.
T: What are you saying ? Why did you send them out?
K: Laddo wait let me talk.
T: Okay. Tell me.
K: I came here about 10 mins ago, after my interview ended. I saw u n the kids playing games, I coughed a couple of time to grab your attention but I didn't and I grab the kids attention. So, I told them to leave as I was missing my wife alot...
T: Awwww, I miss my husband too ( hug him & kiss his cheek)
K: I love you baby (hug her)
T: I love you sunny (in her baby voice)
T: How was the interview sunny
K: Good baby...
T: You want anything to eat, as it's been a couple of hours since you didn't have anything after breakfast.
K: Yes, I want a kiss (pointing at his lips)
T: Stop it sunny (blushing)

He was about to hug her when he heard a knock on the play room door.

K: Enemy to my romances, eee (in a frustrated tone)
T: Hahaha, I will get it

She open the door and was surprised. It was none other than her parents,pra and deep. She started jumping and didn't realise tears were rolling down her eyes like water falls. She was too overwhelmed with the surprise which have been made by her parents...

T: Aai,baba,pra, deep... (had a group hug)
MW: How are you Teju (kiss her forehead)
T: I am good mamma
PW: How are you doing princess (holding teju's hand close tohis heart and kissed her hands)
T: I am good pappa.. How are you pappa
PW: I am good princess...
Pra: You don't love & miss me anymore. You only ask pa & ma how are they, you never hug, kiss me at all..

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