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Teju's POV
I was getting annoyed because my shoot end at 7.30pm. I only had half and hour left to reach home. I quickly changed into a crop top and jeans, removed my makeup and wear on a kajal and lipstick. I was about to leave when my manager told i have to shoot for a ad video for insta. I told him that i won't be able to do it, but he told me that it will only take 20mins. So i agree. Thank god he finished the ad shoot on time. I was about to leave, but too bad it was raining very heavily. I was getting annoyed. I called sunny but i wasn't able to reach him due to the lack of signal. Ajmal bhai came and he was driving the car very slowly, cuz of the heavy rain. I used Ajmal bhai's phone to call sunny. To my luck, he answered the call. But due to, lack of signal the connection was down and i wasn't able to reach him. I tried calling him a few times but he didn't answer the call.

Karan's POV
It's almost 8.30 and Teju still have not reached home. I was starting to get restless. I had a call from ajmal. I answered the call, I heard my laddo calling me sunny. But due to, the lack of signal I was wasn't able to talk to her. This made me more worried as she sounded worried. I thought hearing her will make me calm but it didn't as I wasn't able to hear her clearly and moreover she sounded worried. All this was running in my mind. I was very scared and worried because of the heavy rain in the city. I was watching the news saying there was huge traffic jam.

Teju's POV
Finally after going through lots of traffic jam I reached home at 10pm. In the 1 hour, I tried calling karan but the signal was poor due to that either I wasn't able to call him and inform or if he answer the call I wasn't able to talk to him as we wasn't able to her each other's voice. What made me more worried was karan. I know that he will be very worried and tensed. Ajmal bhai stopped the car outside my apartment's carpark. I immediately get out from my car and ran to the loddy. I was waiting for the lift for 5 mins any finally the lift came and I went up to my house. I came out of the lift and ran to my house, open my house door.

Karan's Pov
I heard someone opening the house door, I went to see who was it. My ladoo was standing with 2 bags and the key in her hands. I hugged and kissed her whole face. She dropped everything in her hands and hugged me back and kissed me.That was all I needed very much right there, for all the worries to be fly away. Finally, I was relieved that my laddo is safely surrounded in my arms and in my hug. Most importantly nothing happened to her and the hug was only what I needed to relax myself at the moment.
Heys guys,
Finally I am back after the long time.
I am really very very sorry for not updating the part earlier and for not giving you all regularupdates. I will be updating the next part by the end of this week as well. I was lost of what to write about. I also think that this story is not getting the amount of response as I thought in terms of vote and comments. But, it's okay, it's for the good.

I will be ending this story in the next part. I have already planned on writing a new and better story with good content. I also promise you all that I upload the parts regularly in my next story. I am also thinking to add in vote and comments target in the upcoming story.(Not so sure, please comment if I should. Most probably I think I will add it)I hope that I got more love and support for the upcoming story❤

Please continue shower me with all your love,support and blessings...🙏❤
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