in my arms again

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That night you decided  to have a sleepover at your house with just you and your both were in bed cuddling into Jaden remembered something"oh shit that's right i have your gift in my bag"Jaden said getting up from the bed"what you didn't have to get me anything you being home is all i wanted for my birthday"y/n said as jaden stopped in his tracks"really"jaden said smiling"yeah...."you said smiling at him. Jaden stood at the edge of the bed and pull your legs so you were underneath him"ahh jaden"you said laughing"i missed that"jaden said smiling"what?"you said with a confused look."your laugh"he said leaning down to kiss you 

"I still got you something though"Jaden said pulling out a paper bag from his bag and handing it to you."sorry i didn't have time to wrap it-"Jaden couldn't finish his sentence because you kissed him."That doesn't matter idiot"you said taking your gift out of the bag"its a bracelet for both us when we hold hands it connects"Jaden said"oooo i wanna try on right now"you said putting the bracelet on so did jaden you both held hands and it connected"i love it Jaden thank you"you said kissing were about to pull away put Jaden pulled you back in 

you kissed Jaden back as he pulled on his lap deepening the kiss.He put his hands around your waist and pulled you close to him"your so fucking beautiful"he said kissing me neck"mmm Jaden" you said"what ma"Jaden said sucking on your neck."i-i won't be able to cover the hickeys"you said."alright"Jaden said."could we just cuddle now"you said."yeah of course" jaden said pulling you close to him cuddling you."i'm so glad your in my arms again"Jaden said as you fell asleep

finally home-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now