kissing him in the middle of an argument

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you decided to pull another prank on Jaden. You were gonna start an argument with him and then in the middle of the argument you're gonna randomly kiss him. Jaden has been on his games all day and it kinda irritating  you so you decided to start the prank went over to him and stood in front of the TV

"babe i can't see"Jaden said trying to look around you to see the TV."can you just get off that stupid game now"you said rolling your eyes."baby just on more game please"he said trying to move you."no you've asked me to come over here and you were not giving me attention"you said getting mad

"babe its not a big deal just come here sit on my lap"he said trying to grab you."no don't touch me i'm going home"you said packing your stuff."wait no babe"he said turning off his game."i'll get off my game just don't leave"he said trying to hug you."no you should have thought about that before now i wanna go home"you said getting out of his grip 

"no i don't want you to leave"he said holding you."let go of me stupid"you said hitting his arm and running out his room."babe i don't know why your so mad i-"Jaden start rambling but you cut him off with a kiss and of course he kissed you back he was shocked."W-what"Jaden said shocked 

"i got you"you said hugging him."what are you talking about"Jaden said."it was just a prank babe i love you i'm not going home"you said hugging him and kissing his cheek."i love you to"Jaden said smiling 

finally home-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now