i'll try

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you thought he was gonna bring you home but he passed your house and went the wrong way."where are we going"you said looking around confused."i'm taking you to my house"jaden said. javon and jayla were silent."i don't even have clothes and i'm tired i just wanna go home"you said looking away still mad at him."do you wanna work things out or not y/n"jaden said looking straight forward not turning to look at you."fine"you said turning the other way."but i don't have anything to where"you said."just where mine i'm still your boyfriend right"jaden said."yeah okay"you said going on your phone 

you guys got to his house you got in the house and saw jess and daleo sitting on the couch."y/n!!"daleo said running up to you."hi mumps i missed you"you said hugging him you really needed a hug right now."i missed you two will you play with me please"daleo said giving you puppy eyes."of course i will i just need to shower first"you said."yay"i'm gonna go set up my toys"daleo said running to his room."are you staying the night hon?"jess asked."yeah i think so"you said."alright there should be extra towels in jadens closet so that's all set for you and i'll make dinner while your showering"jess said hugging you then walking to the kitchen."thanks"you said. Jess was always a moth to you that's what made you love her so much

you walked upstairs to jadens room and there he was sitting on his phone with his clothes and a towel for you.He picked out your favotire hoodie of his and one of jayla shorts to sleep in."thanks"you said grabbing your things. he didn't say anything...so you walked out the room but before you could open the door jaden pulled your wrist and made you face him.he peck your lips."i love you"he said looking into your eyes."i love you to"you said hugging him."i promise i'm trying to i'm just so jealous when your with him"jaden said hugging you tighter.you pulled away from the hug and looked into his eyes."you don't have to be i love you not him"you said."okay now go shower"he said laughing you laughed to and walked out the room to shower 

after you took a shower you walked into jaden room."hey your finally done"jaden said looking up from his phone."yeah i'm sorry did i take to long"you said feeling bad that jaden had to wait for you."no its fine its just that daleo wouldn't stop whining because he really wants to play with you"jaden said as you laughed."haha alright then i guess i better go then"you said."without a kiss"jaden said making a sad face.you wrapped you arms around his neck laughing."i just gave you one"you said."so? i can't get another one"he said pulling you closer to him.you lips connected and you kissed him but all of sudden you guys were interrupted."yucky"daleo said closing his eyes."i'm gonna get you"you said chasing daleo ran."i'll be downstairs"you said."ight ma"jaden said walking to the shower 

its been about 20 mintues since you and daleo have been playing then you finally see him come down the stairs no shirt just shorts.you didn't realize you were staring"you like my abs huh?"jaden said smirking you hit him on the shoulder."dinner is ready oh jaden put on a shirt please like your bothers"jess said you just laughed at him."mom its hot though"jaden said whining."shirt please"jess said giving him a shirt for the landury."fine"he said putting on his shirt."now come on dinners ready"jess said as everyone began to sat on the table 

after dinner you and jaden went up stairs to his room and cuddle while watching a movie"finally i can take this fucking shirt off his hot"jaden said taking his shirt off.you rolled your eyes but you hated it when he swore."sorry my i can take my shirt off now its hot"jaden said you just laughed and cuddled him.you loved to cuddle him when he had his shirt off.it was the best night ever you had in a long time.

finally home-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now