wisdom teeth

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today Jaden was getting his wisdom teeth out.Right now you were in the car with the waltons sitting next to Jaden his legs were shaking you could tell that he was very nervous."hey its gonna be okay babe"you said holding his hand."i know i'm just nervous that all"he said burying his head in your neck and giving your neck soft kisses which made you blush and smile 

you guys got to the dentist and they called Jaden in."jaden walton"they said calling his name he held your hand and you followed them."okay jaden i need to go"you said because there about to start."could i get a kiss"he said."yeah sure"you said kissing him quickly but he pulled you back in."haha okay Jaden"you said laughing

"bye i love you"he said."i love you to Jay see you when you wake up"you said walking out of the room."hey y/n"Jayla said getting your attention."do wanna go get boba with me and wanna while were waiting for Jaden"Jayla asked."oh yeah sure of course"you said."i wanna drive"Javon said

"yeah um no"you and Jayla said laughing."aww man"Javon said.after getting boba you,Jayla,and wanna decided to go live in Jaylas car."hey guys what's ups"Jayla said waving to the camrea and started reading the comments."where's Jaden? oh he's getting his wisdom teeth out"Jayla said


you guys are so pretty 

oh poor Jaden

i love you guys 

end of comments 

after 2 hour of hanging out with Jayla and Wanna you went back to the dentist to get Jaden."okay he might be loopy right now but you can go see him"they said you went into the room."babyyyy"Jaden said excited to see you."hi Jaden"you said laughing."i missed you so much kiss me"he said trying to kiss you

"Jaden you have blood i can't kiss you yet"you said laughing."that's not fair"Jaden said pouting.after Jaden woke up fully you guys finally got to the car."ew what are there things in my mouth"he said messing with his gaws."no"everyone yelled."why is everyone yelling at me"Jaden said crying 

"aww sorry baby you just can't take those out its you gaws for your mouth"you said kissing his head."do you still love me"Jaden asks you."of course i do"you said kissing his forehead and with that he feel asleep on your shoulder 

finally home-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now