baseball game

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it was now the next day aka Sunday and jaden had his first baseball game you haven't seen him play for a while so this was gonna be fun to watch you guys went a little early to watch the other teams play though

"dang these teams look hard to play against"jaden said biting his thumb he does that when hes nervous(i don't think that is true BTW)"hey you got this"you said giving him a kiss while playing with his hair 

then all of a sudden his teamates came"yo bro coach needs to talk to us before the game"said one of his teammates."ight see you later babe"he said making out with you infront of his hated when he did that but he was popular so he had to keep that name i guess ."bye good luck"you said pulling away from the kiss"ayeee"the boys said hyping him up as the walked just rolled your eyes"you hate that to huh"javon said putting his arm on your head he always did that to tease you cause you were shorted than him."yeah but its whatever"you said looking away from jaden and his friends."then why don't you talk to him about it"javon said."because hes popular when i first met him he was shy and stuff and now hes confident i don't want to take that away"you said."whatever you say but if its bothering you you should talk to him"javon said walking back.maybe javon was right maybe you did wanna talk to him about it but how would you even tell him.....

maybe javon was right maybe you did wanna talk to him about it but how would you even tell him

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caption:first game with the boys we ready 💪

ethan:yuh we ready 

^onwardjub:lets go bois 

10 mitunes later the game was done and jade came out with his knew something was up because the boys were whispering jaden something and he was walking toward you."hey babe"he said at other end of the fence"hi"you said walking up to him."i want a good luck kiss babe"you looked at him and give him a kiss he walked away and all the boys hyped him up you just rolled your eyes.........

"i want a good luck kiss babe"you looked at him and give him a kiss he walked away and all the boys hyped him up you just rolled your eyes

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caption:my baby's first game in Florida 

jaylacookiez:taken by the best

^y/n.l/n:yes bae thank you 

they  won by 1 point the score was very close and there team was good but jadens team still came up on top"pizza on me boys"the coach so while the boys saw jaden run to you with the biggest smile but you were still in thought about what javon had said but when jadens happy your so happy so you had to smile. jaden ran to you and picked you up"good job jaden"you said laughing"thanks babe"he said kissing your neck."hey mom is it okay if i go with the team to get pizza real quick"jaden said"yeah sure will be at the hotel by 9 so i'll give you a key don't lose it"jess said giving him a key"ight sweet thanks mom,by ma"jaden said making out with you in front of his team."dang bro gonna get at it tonight"the boys said while jaden laughed."come on lets go"jayla said putting her arm around you rolling her eyes she knows it to.....

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