we need to talk

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you guys got back to the hotel at 9 but jaden wasn't home yet so you guys decided to stay up and talk about how jaden acts different around his friends

"you should talk to him"jayla said."i wouldn't even know what to say though"you say looking down."just tell him how you feel y/n"javon said.all of a sudden you heard the door open it was jaden...."hey sorry i'm late when to ethans hotel to shower and shit"he said putting his arms around you from behind but he could tell something was off about you and siblings"you guys okay?"jaden said"y/n are you gonna tell him or should i"jayla said in a serious tone jaden looked confused"okay okay"you said dragging jaden to the bathroom."we need to talk jaden.."you said looking down."what wrong"he said cupping your cheeks with your hands."this"you said taking his hands away from you."a-are we breaking up"he said crying."no no baby never"you said kissing his forehead"okay then whats wrong"jaden said"i-i just the way you treat me in front of your friends its uncomfortable it feels like i'm just being used to make you look cool...."you said looking away"i didn't know you felt that way baby"jaden said making you sit on him."i know i just didn't want it to be a big deal"you said looking down straddling him"look at me"jaden said lifting up your chin so you could look at him."y/n was something is bothering you then tell me especially  if i'm the one doing it"jaden said."mhm"you said looking away but that was soon interrupted by jaden turning you head to him looking in your eyes."i need a yes y/n l/n"jaden said,you knew he was serious because he used your full name."yes jaden walton"you said as he pulled you by your waist to kiss you

"hey when you guys are done making out get ready for bed were gonna do to bed"javon said knocking on the door."shut the fuck up were not making out"jaden said as you laughed at him."you think that's funny huh"jaden said tickling you."okay okay jaden haha enough please i'll do anything"you say laughing."tell me you love me"jaden said tickling you."okay okay i love you" you said."who do you love?"jaden said"i love jaden jdub walton okay now please"you said. Jaden stops tickling you and kisses you"i love you to y/m/l"jaden said 

you guys got back out and javon and jayla were just staring at you two."what?'jaden said."did you guys fuc-"javon said but then got cut off by jaden"wtf no you idiot we were just talking"jaden said rolling his eyes."okay okay enough can we just go to bed i'm so tired"jayla said rolling her eyes."yeah i agree with her"you said pointing to jayla."yeah i am kinda tired from the game today"jaden said 

and with that you guys went to sleep 

finally home-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now