early morning school kisses

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It was the first day back at school for Jaden he has his own car so he was on his way to pick you up.you were on your phone waiting for your boyfriend then you heard a knock on the door."hey you ready for school"jaden says smiling"yup i'm ready to go"you said hoping in his car."your forgetting something"jaden said laughing."yes yes i know"you said kissing his cheek."um i meant you could put your school bag in the back-"jaden was about to say something."so you didn't want a kiss...."you said getting mad/sad."no? WAIT no i mean yeah-"jaden said as you let go of his hand and turned the other way."baby-"jaden said but he was cut off by you."don't call me baby"you said  trying to stay mad at him."fine beautiful i'm sorry i do want a kiss come here"jaden said trying to kiss you."jaden just drive please"you said trying to stay mad at him but really you want to kiss him."nope i'm not driving until you kiss me so come here"jaden said trying to kiss you."you don't wanna kiss me you just feel bad because i misunderstood you"you said holding back your tears but jaden could tell and he felt really bad"baby....i really do wanna a kiss....you wanna know something"Jaden says driving the car."what?"you say still mad at him."when i use to wake up from camp school i would be sad all day because one it was so fucking early in the morning i'm not a fucking morning person"jaden said as you laughed."yeah your not" you said laughing."but also because....i didn't have my special morning kisses that you gave me in the mornings and before school......".jaden said as you felt regret."really...."you said holding his hand."yeah and now i'm sad because i'm home now and you won't give me one-"before jaden could finish his sentence he felt your warm lips on his cold lip you pulled away and he smiled"why are your lips so cold?"you said with a confused look."oh mom made me frozen fruit this morning"Jaden said smiling knowing he got the kiss he missed that whole month he was gone 

finally home-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now