affection and attention

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jadens been so busy with his friends and sports that he hasn't payed any attention to you so you went to his house to see if he was knocked on the door and jayla opened the door

"hey babe"jayla says hugging."hey jayla"you said hugging her back."What's up i haven't see you in forever"jayla said."i know i'll come around soon I've just been busy but anyway have you seen jaden"you asked."his at the gym practicing with his boys and wanna"jayla mood changed hes always been with them i'm not with you."oh..."you said looking down."why what's wrong are you guys okay"jayla said hugging you."yeah hes just been with his friends a lot and i haven't seen him in a while"you said pulling away from the hug."lets go see him right now"jayla said with a disappointed in her brother."oh no i don't want to bother him-"you said but you got cut off by jayla."nope where going to him right now"jayla said mad.....oh no....

you guys got to the gym and like that jaden was there practicing with his friends and his twin.but you and jayla didn't say hi to them you guys had your own plan."oh hey guys"javon."hi wanna"you said giving him a side hug."hi baby i missed you"jaden said trying to kiss your cheek but you doge it and walked away with jayla to work out."what the-HEY why don't i get a hi from you"jaden said just ignored him."baby-"jaden said trying to talk to you."just go hang out with your friends jaden"you said and he knew you were mad because you never say his name"fine"jaden said walking away 

later that evening you and jayla went back to the house you guys were all clean cause you showered at the gym but anyways you guys went back home and saw wanna and jaden sitting on the couch."haha no that's funny because i-"you stopped talking once you made eye contact with him. jaden stood up from the couch and went to talk to you."okay we need to talk"jaden said pulling your arm."no"you said giving him attitude."drop the attitude young lady"jaden said rolling his rolled your eyes at him.he just dragged you upstairs 

"okay what's going on what you"jaden said."nothing"you said."then why are you acting like this WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME-"jaden said but he got cut because you hit got so mad that you hit him in the face.his eyes started to water you never hit him before ever you regretted it right away."you hit me.."jaden said tearing up looking away from you."i'm so sorry i didn't mean to baby i just got mad"you hugged him and he cried in your neck."why do you hate me i just wanna love you baby"jaden said crying."i know i'm sorry i just missed you your really busy and i'm just so clingy i'm so sorry"you said crying he pulled away to look at you."you should've told me baby i would've hung out with you and gave you attention"jaden said."i know but i tried not to be a clingy gf"you said looking away from him."well i want that  want you clingy i want you around all the time i just want you y/n"right when he said that you kissed him and he kissed back 

jaden pulls you on his bed kissing you,you sit on his lap and you put your arms around his neck. jaden grabs your hips as he puts his head back,you give him soft kisses on his neck."mm y/n"jaden said put your hands up his shirt to take it off."haha slow down i didn't even get to touch you yet"jaden said smirking."off"you said whining."okay okay"jaden said as he takes off his run your hands down his abs."y-y/n you know how that makes me f-feel"jaden says whining."i know that's why i'm doing it"you say smirking.

finally home-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now