sick day

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The next day jaden woke up and he was sick to his stomach.he ran to the bathroom.he felt really dizzy

you woke up and heard sounds of jaden running you sat up and saw the bathroom door open. he was leaning over the toilet puking."poor baby"you sat next to jaden and patted his back."mm baby my tummy hurt"jaden said holding his stomach."aww my poor baby there puke all over your face jaden"you grabbing a towel and wiped his face clean."come on lets get you back to your bed"you said."baby could you help me take off my shirt please"jaden said looking really tired."oh yeah of course"you said helping him take off his shirt."now just come and cuddle me"he said opening his arms."wait jaden i need to tell your mom and get your medicine"you said."no don't leave me here alone"jaden said crying."i'll be right back i promise"you said."mm kiss first"jaden said giving puppy eyes."sorry babe no kisses till you feel better"you said."baby that's not fair"he said whining."sorry babe"you said walking out of his room 

you went downstairs and saw everyone downstairs."you guys ready for school tell jaden to hurry or you'll be late"jess said."um actually jaden has a stomach bug"you said."oh no poor baby"jess said."and i can take care of him today if i can"you said."of course you can honey go back up stairs with jaden he probably needs someone with him right now i'll bring your food and medicine"jess said."ok thank you"you said walking back upstairs to jaden's room

"baby finally your back i wanna cuddle you were gone to long hug me"jaden said. this wasn't the first time you had to take care of jaden when he was sick. Jaden always acted like a baby/little kid when he was sick."kisss"jaden said."no!!"you said moving away from jaden he started to cry."i didn't mean it like that"you said trying to hug him."no you don't wanna kiss me anymore you don't love me"jaden said crying."what! no of course i love you i just don't wanna get sick baby"you said hugging me."will you promise to give me 1000 kisses when i'm better"he said giving you puppy eyes."i promise"you said kissing his head."mm i miss your kisses baby"he said pouting."me to but baby i don't wanna get sick"you said."mm okay" he said 

finally home-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now