flirt prank with jayla

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you and jayla always flirt but in a friend way but today you guys were gonna do a prank on jaden and but in a very sus way

you knock on the waltons door and jayla opened the door."hey your here you ready for the plan"jayla says smirking."yup but are you sure about this isn't he gonna get mad"you said."don't sorry he's not a baby and if he gets mad i can explain i promise"jayla said"alright"you said. Jaden wasn't home yet he was hanging with his friends so it was time for step 1 of the plan 

 Jaden wasn't home yet he was hanging with his friends so it was time for step 1 of the plan 

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caption:with babe

y/n:omg yes 

onwardjdub:jayla!!! WHY ARE YOU KISSING HER

onwardwanna:yall sus 

onwardwanna:yall sus 

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caption:my pretty girl

jayla: no my pretty girl

onwardjdub: that's it i'm coming home you two

"oh shit hes coming home step 2'jayla said turning on a movie and cuddling with you.

jaden walked in 10 mintues later and his eyes widened."wtf what are you guys doing"jaden said getting jealous."oh hey jay were just watching a movie wanna join"you said."why are you guys so close to each other"jaden said."bro were not though were just cuddling"jayla said rolling her eyes and nuzzling her head in your neck."hell nah jayla got of my girlfriend"jaden said yelling at her."jaden don't yell at her"you said."y/n wtf"jaden said pulling you away from jayla and he pulled you a little to hard she got defensive."hey don't yank a girl like that"jayla slaps jaden in the face."how's about don't cuddling and kiss my girlfriend because she's mine you know i get jealous easliey and if you really loved me then you wouldn't flirt with my girlfriend jayla"jaden started tearing up it broke your heart."jaden-"you said but then got cut off."and you what the hell do i not give you enough love is this why ava left because if you wanna fuck my sister tell me don't lie to me"jaden said running up to his room

"oh shit.."jayla said."oh my god i'm such a bad girlfriend"you said about to go in his room."give him time y/n"jayla said."okay"you went outside and drove off."you went to the store and got his favorite snacks and drinks so you could cuddle him and make it up to him

after a while you got back to the waltons and knocked on his door you could hear him crying."jaden.."you said knocking on his door."go away leave me alone"jaden open the door anyway."please go away"jaden said."jaden-"you said but you got cut off by him"JUST GO AWAY"jaden said yelling."don't yell at me"you said flinching."WHY FUCKING NOT YOUR LATTERLY CHEATING ON ME WITH MY SISTER"jaden said."its a prank jaden...."you said jadens eyes widened and he had guilt on his face."really?"jaden said walking to you,you flinched a little because he yelled."i'm sorry for yelling i won't hurt you"he said cupping your cheeks you started to cry."no no don't cry baby"jaden said kissing your head."i-i'm sorry it was a prank i didn't mean for it to go this far"you started crying ."its okay just don't do it again"he said hugging you."i would never do that to you for real"you said breaking down in his arms."i know baby i know"he said picking you up and bringing you to his bed to cuddle

"i love you y/n"he said kissing your lips."i love you to jaden"you said falling asleep  

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