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"trust me i won't go to far"Jaden says."okay but if you end up hurting her i swear to go Jaden"Jayla says."i'll stop it if it goes to far just please go along with the prank"Jaden says."fine"Javon and Jayla say. Jayla called you to come over to hang and you did."hi baby"Jaden says giving you a quick kiss.

"hi jay"you say kissing his cheek.you,Jaden,javon and jayla were watching a movie in Jaylas room cause her room was the biggest.you where laying on Jaden when all of a sudden you heard his phone ding.he picked up his phone and started smiling."who is that babe?"you say trying to look at his phone.

"nothing don't worry about it"he says shuting off his phone and hiding it behind him you got a little worried but brushed it away until a half an hour later. he picked up his phone and start smiling while texting someone.(oh BTW Javon was in the other room texting Jaden for the prank)

"babe who are you texting"you say sitting on his lap trying to grab his phone."no one"Jaden says.you get irated and grab his phone and you see him texting Ava?!!!

(the texts)

 Ava:hi baby

Jaden:hi babe i miss you

Ava:i miss you more when can i see you again

Jaden:you can come over tommorw

Ava:okay see you then baby

(end of text)

"you fucking piece of shit"you say throwing his phone and walking out of the room."oh shit"Jaden says."yeah you better fix this"Jayla says. Jaden sees you in his room getting his stuff.
"babe i swear its-"Jaden says but you cut his off."don't call me babe where done i hate you"you said slapping him across the face and running out his room

"wait y/n its just a prank i swear"Jaden says holding onto you."no let go of me"Jaden says."y/n it is actually a prank see i'm "Ava"Javon says texting Jaden and ava's name pops up."See babe i wouldn't-Jaden says but you cut him off again."i don't care if it was a prank it was real to me you where so mean to me"you say walking away to Jaylas room

"dang it"Jaden said tugging his hair and walking into Jaylas room.he walked into the room and saw you hugging Jayla and crying."Jaden you took it too far"Jayla said."i know i didn't want it to go this far"Jaden tried to hug you but you pushed him away."baby i didn't mean  for the prank to go to far i swear"Jaden say and you finally caved and hugged him.

"baby you know i would never go back to Ava let alone cheat on you with her"Jaden says kissing your lips."i know but it felt real to me and you know i have trust issues Jaden"you say."i know i'm sorry i won't do that i promise babe"Jaden says 

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