Car accident

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It was a Saturday and you were on your way to Jaden's house he invited you to have a sleepover."y/n you know my rules"your mom said once more."yes i know mom"you said going back onto your phone your mom didn't see the car coming infront of you but you did."mom look out!!"you screamed but it was to late

(1 hour)

"hey Jayla has y/n texted you by any chance"Jaden asked Jayla wondering where he's gf was."no wasn't she like supposed to get here like an hour ago"Jayla asked while walking down the stairs."I know that's why i'm still wondering if she's coming"Jaden said sitting down at the kitchen table

"hey honey is y/n still coming"Jessica asked."i don't know she hasn't texted me back"jaden said.The door open and Dj and Javon came back from the gym."hello welcome home"Jessica said kissing Dj while Javon sat down."yo i thought y/n was coming over"Javon said."yeah i thought so to but she hasn't texted me"Jaden said

All of a sudden Jessica got a call from a unknown number."hello?"Jessica said picked up the phone but no even a min later she stopped in her tracks."mom what's going on who is that?"Jayla asked.Jessica didn't say anything she just dropped down to the ground and started crying

"mom?!!"Jaden,Javon,and Jayla came rushing down to there mom."mom what happened tell us"Jaden said."its y/n"Jessica said and when Jaden heard that he got really worried.Jessica told him everything and he ran out the door grabbing his keys without thinking."Jaden!!"his family called but they couldn't stop him 

Jaden got to the hospital and looked around he saw you getting rolled on a bed."y/n?!!!"Jaden said running over to the bed."baby oh my god"Jaden said crying."y/n open your eyes i'm right here god please y/n"Jaden said."Sir you have to get out of the way please she needs emergency surgery"One of the doctors said 

"Don't tell me what to do that's my girlfriend!!"jaden said screaming holding your hand."Jaden!!!"his family said running to him holding his back."stop let me get to her"Jaden said."oh my god"Jayla said crying looking at you."no y/n i love you please don't go"Jaden said falling to the ground while his family hugged him

(5 hours later)

Jaden didn't leave that hospital,jessica went home to get Jaden clothes to change out of and some of the things he needed but Jaden wouldn't go home until he heard from you."Um hello"the doctors said and Jaden stood up quickly as ever."is she okay?!!"Jaden said."um not really she's in a coma we don't know when she'll wake up"the doctors said as Jaden started to tear up 

"but she can still hear you so you should keep talking to her she's in room 205"the doctors said as Jaden ran to find your room. Jaden found you in your room as he started to cry seeing you like that."Baby"Jaden said sitting down on your bed and holding your hand as his family walked in 

"i'm here okay i know you can hear me and i'm right here i'm not going anywhere"Jaden said kissing your lips."y/n i love you so much so you have to wake up please for me"Jaden said crying."Jaden we need to go"jessica said pulling him."no what if she dies and here a-and i'll never get to see her"Jaden says.

"Jaden she's a strong girl"Jayla said."yeah but what if i never get to kiss her again or hug her,or tell her i love her,what if i never get to hear her voice again"Jaden says crying."all we have to do is wait she'll wake up when its time"Jayla said 

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