busy on his games

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you where at jaden house it was about 1 in the morning and you were really tired you just wanted to go to sleep but jaden was to busy playing with his friends on his xbox."baby"you said hugging him from behind while he was sitting on the chair."wait hold on babe i'm in a match right now"jaden said not taking his eyes off the screen."jaden i'm tireddd"you said sitting on his lap."baby just go to sleep i'll be in bed soon"jaden said."but you said that two hours agoo i wanna cuddle"you said whining."babe i don't wanna right now"jaden said."jaden its either we cuddle now or don't cuddle at all tonight"you said getting off his lap a little mad."fine then goodnight"jaden said.you rolled your eyes and went straight to the guest room to sleep 

(2 hours later)

it was 3 in the morning and jaden was tired he looked around the room but you weren't there."babe?"jaden said.he got out of his room to look in the guest room and he saw you fast asleep he felt a little bad."y/n?"he said climbing into bed with you."mmm no"you said turning away from him."i'm sorry can we cuddle now i'm sleepy"jaden said using his baby voice."no go sleep in your room"you said pushing him off."mmm pwease i can't sleep without you holding me i wanna cuddlee"jaden said."go cuddle with your xbox you love it more than me anyways"you said annoyed with jaden already."no baby i love you more than the game please cuddleee"jaden said."noo"you said."mhm i want my cuddles and i'm not gonna let you go back to sleep until you hold me"jaden said trying to hold you."fine but this is the last time i forgive you for not paying attention to me for playing your stupid game"you said turning over to hold him."mm i love you"jaden said snuggling his head in your neck."mhm i love you to"you said giving him a kiss then falling back asleep

finally home-Jaden waltonWhere stories live. Discover now