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Michael Fassbender as Howie

It was closing hours. The 3 amigos walked along the car park until they got to the vehicle. Claire and Juliet got inside the car as the former took the driver's seat and the latter took the backseat besides Sabrina who found a leaflet on the windscreen.

"What's up,girl? Get in the car." Claire said aloud,poking her head out of the car window.
"I found something." Sabrina finally got into the car.

"The deets?" Juliet leaned in to take a look at the leaflet. "Wow,really? A singing contest." She smiled happily.
"It's in three months' time. Auditions commence next week. Hmm." Sabrina sighed.

"Girls,I believe we can do this. It's what we've always wanted. Mostly you,Sabrina." Claire said.
"Yeah." Juliet agreed.

"I don't think I'm ready,guys. Let's just skip this and look forward to other opportunities." Sabrina sighed again,looking worried.
"Are you for real,girl? You shouldn't throw in the towel so easily due to your anxieties. Grab this opportunity,Sab. You really love music and why give this up?" Juliet spoke quite seriously.

"Besides we're here for you,day and night. It's not like we can't work this out. You,Juliet and I have made our songs together. Then,why put them to waste?" Claire chipped in.
"Like it or lump it,we have to go for the audition. It would come out well, that's what I strongly believe." Juliet patted Sabrina on the shoulder in a soothing way.

"Yep." Claire made a popping sound.
"Feel at ease now. I guess." Sabrina gave a lopsided look as her friends watched her in amusement.

The three walked down the hallway to the cafeteria until they came across Jean speaking with Coach Howard.

"Howard, it's a pleasure meeting you again." Sabrina smiled pleasantly and he gave her a side hug.
"How've you been doing,Sabrina?" He asked about her welfare.

"Good. These are my best friends,Claire and Juliet. Girls,meet Coach Howie,the one I've once spoken to you guys about. He's given me the drive I needed." Sabrina explained.
"'Twas all my idea." Jean gave a self-satisfied smirk on his face.

"Pff." She rolled her eyes while Howie and the two girls laughed.
"Nice to meet you,ladies." Howie grinned at them.

"Likewise." Claire replied,returning a smile as Juliet did the same.
"Are you guys also music-inclined?" Howie frained

"Yes,we're her backups anytime." Juliet smiled proudly.
"Well,I'm not left out." Jean smirked.

"Uh huh... Uh huh." Claire chimed,nudging Sabrina with a knowing smile.
"Look guys,I already know what you're thinking but you gotta stop. We mainly work hand in hand on the basis of collaboration." Sabrina explained and the rest of them chortled.

"They sure tease you a lot about this." Howie wiggled his brows while Sabrina flashed a smile with a shake of the head.
"Anyway,what brings you here 'cause I can't say I'm not surprised to see you?" She asked,with interest evident in her eyes.

"A yearly event's coming up soon and I'm part of those sponsoring it. So,it entails showcasing your singing talents. That's exactly what I was discussing with my good friend here." Howie smiled widely,embracing Jean like a father does to a son.
"Wait,is it the singing contest that's three months to come?" Sabrina asked.

"Exactly. You can do it,Sabrina. The audition's a sure thing for you. Won't it be nice if you do consider that?" Jean said.
"Alright." Sabrina breathed out heavily. "I really have to admit I'm scared as hell but just as you guys keep telling me to calm down,I gotta relax."

"Yep...keep your pants on." Jean smirked a little.
"Can't even do that in your presence." Sabrina joked,causing ripples of laughter from them.

"So..." Howie put his hand on Sabrina's shoulder. "I hope to see you at the audition with your girlfriends. Goodbye." He left alongside Jean. Claire and Juliet sighed with glee.

"So on cloud nine! An amazing opportunity for us." Claire smiled excitedly.
"I can smell glitz and glamor already." Juliet chimed as they walked again.

"You mean in your fantasies." Sabrina smiled a little,Claire laughed and Juliet pouted.

Right in their room,the 3 amigos gussied up for the long-awaited audition. Putting on the dresses Juliet sewed for them,Claire kept humming and singing at a high pitch as songs came on her playlist. She passed a brush unto her hair until it was perfectly neat. Juliet trimmed her nails with a nail file while Sabrina slid on her shoes,seated in the bed.

"It pays to have one's voice trained. Mr Howie's helped us at least. I feel assured we're not gonna mess up big time at the audition." Claire smiled genuinely and faced them,with her hands crossed.
"Only if we pull ourselves together." Juliet mumbled and looked up from her phone,glancing at Sabrina from time to time. Claire took notice.

"I see what you mean now." She said as they were watching Sabrina digging through the closet in a restless manner. She abruptly stopped and realized how her friends were staring in silence.
"Why're you girls looking at me like that?" She asked,with an eyebrow raised.

"What the hell are you looking for that you just can't stay calm for once?" Juliet rather asked.
"It's not that I'm very anxious. I'm looking for something that's quite precious to me." Sabrina defended.

"Precious as always. Mmm." Claire chuckled. "Looking for this?" She dangled the headphone and Sabrina gaped,looking frustrated.
"What the fuck? Who asked you to take it without my consent?" She scowled,stomping off to Claire and took her headphone harshly from the latter.

"Cool it,girl. I deliberately didn't steal it from you." Claire laughed teasingly.
"So,you're going crazy just because of this?" Juliet asked pointedly. Sabrina murmured something that they couldn't hear and exited the room. Claire and Juliet exchanged confused looks.

"Heard what she just said?" Claire opened her mouth slightly.
"Nope." Juliet replied.

The two of them left for the lounge to see Sabrina sitting on one of the kitchen stools with her headphone on. They stood with folded arms behind her without her knowledge. They looked at each other,shaking their heads in sync. Claire tapped Sabrina at the back and the latter instantly spun around to face them.

"Can we go now?" She got off the stool.
"What exactly is wrong with you,girl?" Juliet asked,almost aloud.

"It's nothing. I'm fine and you know it." Sabrina muttered,with a little frown on her face.
"Stop getting hot under the collar. It's of no worth." Juliet wiggled a finger at Sabrina like a mother scolding her child.

"You have to relax,girl." Claire smiled,flicking Sabrina on the forehead. Shutting her eyes for a moment,Sabrina folded her arms and breathed out deeply. "I know you're really anxious right now. I can see that...even though you don't wanna admit it but what you really need to hear is the fact you don't have to worry,okay?" Claire placed her hands on Sabrina's shoulders. A tear cascaded the latter's cheek as she lowered her head. She immediately wiped it off.

"You crying?" Juliet asked,with a furrowed brow.
"What can I do?" Sabrina shrugged,smiling wryly. "This shit keeps getting the best of me. I'm always unhappy whenever my Dad says it to my face I'm gonna make it as a business person like I've been destined for it from birth. It's so disheartening I can't bear it any longer." She sniffed. Moved,her friends rubbed her back soothingly.

"Cheer up,Sab. Your Dad may have said a whole lot of things you can't freaking tolerate but you gotta prevent him from holding you down. I mean, it's your future we're talking about here." Claire spoke in all earnesty.
"As soon as we get in on the act,we'll stand strong together...and forever." Juliet joined her hand with theirs. A smile spread across their faces.

🎶There were memories that
Brought us together
To love one another
You mean everything to me🎶

Claire started off singing their childhood song.

🎶Nothing can rip us apart
You mean everything to me!🎶

Juliet joined in singing.

🎶 Everything 🎶

Sabrina sang out the last line,letting out a chuckle and smiling dazzlingly.

"So happy you've cheered up." Claire grinned.
"Come on,let's show them what we're capable of doing." Juliet said as they walked swiftly to the front door.

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