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Michael Johnston as Harry

Coming back from school, Sabrina, Claire and Juliet sprawled on the sofa. It was hectic for them

"I'm tired." Sabrina mumbled sleepily
"Same here." Juliet mumbled back. Claire sighed loudly and leapt to her feet.

"I really can't wait for tonight though." She snagged a bottled water from the fridge.
"Do you know I almost forgot? I can't wait too." Juliet squealed

"You guys keep making cryptic remarks. Aren't you gonna tell me what you're saying?" Sabrina asked,with sleepy eyes
"We're going to paint the town red." Juliet said excitedly.

"What?" Sabrina's eyes bulged in shock.
"Yeah!" Claire approached them, sitting next to the girls. "Harry and the boys have decided to throw a party at the frat house".

"Frat house?" Sabrina asked,with an exaggerated shock
"Yeah. We're going there tonight." Juliet replied

"Do I have to go?" Sabrina sighed
"You have to. You're coming with us and I'm not listening to any excuses from you." Claire wagged a finger at her.

"Guys,I'm very awkward at parties. I had better stay in." Sabrina shook her head stubbornly.
"Are you scared? It's not like we'll leave you behind like the other time." Claire gave a knowing smile

"And you'll have the chance to see Jean before Monday." Juliet wiggled her eyebrows
"Why do you always have to bring this up? I said I'm not going." Sabrina whined

"Of course you are." Claire pulled Sabrina up and Juliet did the same. "Of course you are." She repeated
"You girls are so getting on my nerves." Sabrina pouted
"Time to get dressed." Juliet piped up

Claire was dressed in a red long-sleeved blouse,matching a short skirt. Juliet wore a yellow fitted gown,covered with a leathered jacket. And lastly, Sabrina,who had her face fixed by Claire,was dressed in a lilac tank top and pair of pants. These three complemented their style with sneakers.

"This makeup's getting heavy. That's okay,Claire." Sabrina pouted.
"Calm down,just this last one." Claire said and the former sighed,rolling her eyes. "Ok. Now let's get your hair styled." She fixed a bobby pin to Sabrina's curls. "Finally done!"

"Nice." Sabrina remarked,looking into the mirror for a moment.
"I knew you would love it." Claire smiled dazzlingly while Juliet approached them.

"Let's go out there and live it up,girls. I wanna get my groove on while the night's still young." Juliet shimmied her shoulders and the two girls laughed loudly.

The stars sparkled in the sky. The streets buzzed with activity as Claire drove round. Arriving the frat house,muffled voices were heard as the three girls got down from the car. The frat house was more or less like a nightclub. They elbowed their way through some people,grinding against each other. They eventually spotted Jean,Harry and Mike watching some boys playing billiards. They greeted one another as Claire hugged Harry tightly and Juliet embraced Mike while Sabrina smiled shyly at Jean who stretched out his hand for a shake. She hesitated for a moment and shook his hand quickly.

After the game,they relaxed at the lounge,with some other friends. Juliet sat beside Mike who was beside Harry as Claire sat comfortably on his laps,having indistinct conversations. Sitting across from them were Jean and Sabrina alongside few people. While he stole a glance at her from time to time,she kept lowering her eyes. His phone buzzed and he glanced at her before speaking up.

"Guys,I gotta take this call. Be right back." He announced
"Ok, don't take too long." Claire winked at Sabrina who folded her arms and sighed. Jean finally exited the frat house.

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