Chapter 1

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The air was stagnant in the cabins below deck with the smell of salt water and sweat. The ship lulled in a sleepy back and forth motion as the royal siblings hid away from the harsh summer sun.

Artemis Black curled her lip in disgust as she read the neat handwriting of her eldest sister Athena. Athena had written her a list of societal rules she would have to follow during her time in London.

1.) English ladies do not talk of anything vulgar- this includes anything pertaining to killing, fighting, sex, or any innuendo of sexual activities.

2.) English women do not wear pants. (I packed you and Aphrodite suitable dresses)

3.) English women are not allowed to be alone with any men who aren't their family.

4.) English women do not carry weapons.

The list went on for thirteen pages and the rules continued to get more absurd as the list went on.

Apollo read the letter over his twin sister's shoulder laughing at the ridiculous rules English women must abide by.

Ares' boisterous laugh bounced off the cabin walls as Apollo began to impersonate Athena as he read some of the rules out loud.

"Oh dear gods, listen to this Arty! Warning! English women are not told of sex until after marriage so they all remain completely untouched, this includes kissing. Have you ever heard something so ridiculous! These girls are being sold off without even testing the waters first!" Apollo roared with laughter.

"Oh dear, what are you going to do with your time now brother? Sex is a majority of your personality. Seems you will be unable to taste the precious forbidden English fruit." Ares teased.

"How is it they do not know? Where do they think babies come from?" Aphrodite asked.

"And what would you know of it, Dite? You are as pure as the English flowers." Apollo shot back smirking at his sister.

"That's what you think," Aphrodite grumbled under her breath trying to hold back a smirk.

Ares barked a laugh as he continued to use his dagger to peel apart the apple in his hand.

"Well, should we call the maids so they can dress us in the costumes Athena has gotten for us?" Ares asked biting the bit of apple that balanced on his dagger.

"YES! This is why your my favorite brother, Ares! Oh, I'm excited to dress like the English Ladies! All so stiff and pristine.-" Aphrodite ranted only to be cut off by a whining Apollo.

"FAVORITE BROTHER?!? How dare you, Little dove! What does he have that I don't" Apollo pouted, ignoring his little sister's giggles.

"Currently... a knife." Artemis cut in answering for her sister, a large smirk of amusement working its way onto her face.

A knock rang at the ship cabin's door. "Enter" Artemis called out watching as a maid slid the door open.

"We will be in the London port within the hour. It would be wise to begin preparing now, your majesties." The maid announced.

"Thank you, Greta. Do you mind fetching what Athena sent for us to wear?" Artemis asked as she delicately folded the paper in her hands.

"Of course your majesty." She bowed before exiting the room.

Athena planned ahead as much as she could for her siblings, though without going to England with them, there was little she could do.

Hephaestus, Athena, and Hermes all remained in Illyria with their Mother and Father. Ares, Apollo, Artemis, and Aphrodite had all been shipped off to England.

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