Chapter 5

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The Opera House was filled with the chatter of Lords and Ladies as they waited for the performance to begin.

Artemis stood next to queen charlotte whispering teasing remarks about anyone who came to greet them. The pins holding her hair were beginning to hurt from where Queen charlotte had smacked the back of her head as a result of a rather vulgar joke.

Her attention was caught as an older lady approached, her cane clicked across the floor as she gave a half bow to both of the royals. 

"Your Majesties." She greeted. 

"Artemis, have you been introduced to lady Danbury. It was her ball you attended." Charlotte looked to Artemis. 

"No, I'm afraid I have not had the pleasure. I am Artemis Black, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Lady Danbury. My siblings and I quite enjoyed your Ball, it was as beautiful and lively as the host herself." Artemis gave a polite bow, though still not deep enough to be considered formal. 

"Oh, you Black's sure have a way to charm. I learned such when I was introduced to your brother at my party." Lady Danbury smirked in amusement. 

"I am so terribly sorry you had to endure conversing with the likes of him. Regardless of which one you are referring to."

Lady Danbury noticed the identical twinkle of playful mischief that each of the Black siblings exhumed. They all conversed informally and teased strangers as casually as they would each other. But the loyalty and love they shared were evident. 

"Worry not, princess. For I have always been of the opinion that reformed rakes make for the very best husbands." She shot the princess a wink as she spoke. 

"Any woman that convinces Ares or Apollo to stay by her side forever would either be a goddess or a witch who's stolen the will from them. I'd say you'd have much better luck bottling lightning than getting my brothers down the aisle." Artemis laughed freely at the thought of her brother's marriage. 

Lady Danbury turned, noticing the diamond and her mother, "Lady Bridgerton! Join us." 

Artemis smiled as her friend sheepishly approached them, slightly relaxing when spotting the young princess.

"Lady Bridgerton." Charlotte greeted, looking down her nose at the Bridgertons. "Hello Daphne, Violet." Artemis rolled her eyes at the Queen's clear distaste due to the works of Lady Whistledown. 

"Your Majestys. Good evening. You must remember my daughter,Daphne." Violet curtsied. 

"Yes. She made quite an impression. However fleeting it may havebeen... Are your brothers to entertain me through this event?" Charlotte turned her attention to Artemis. 

"You chastise me for being so harsh and yet look at you Aunt Lottie, a viper in white satin. To answer your question, no I'm afraid my brothers are off causing havoc across your fair city, though Aphrodite should be hiding away in your box, trying to escape the suitors." With that Charlotte turned to leave. 

"Sorry about her Daph, she has not had her sugar fix this evening and I fear she is pouting about it." Artemis broke the tense atmosphere, openly teasing the queen without fear. 

"I would like to welcome you bothto my box this evening. I insist... You may join us if you'd like, your Highness." Lady Danbury said, not awaiting a response as she turned to lead them towards her box. 

"How are you Daph," Artemis whispered, surprising Daphne by intertwining their arms as they walked. 

"Anthony continues to ruin any chances I have of finding a suitor. Lady Whistledown has declared me all but ineligible. The only prospect I have is Lord Berbrooke and I refuse to marry him, Artemis." Daphne's frustration was evident fearful of what was to come. 

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