Chapter 11

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"Prince Friedrick, I would like to introduce you to the royal siblings of Illyria." Queen Charlotte presented as they all stood stiffly in front of the puppy-eyed male. 

With a formal bow, they each introduced themselves. 

His eyes seemed to continually gravitate towards the radiant Aphrodite as the others introduced themselves. 

When it finally came her turn they looked as if no one else was in the room. It was fascination at first sight. 

"I am princess Aphrodite Frigg Black. Third princess of Illyria and your future wife." Aphrodite smiled coyly as the Prussian prince kissed her gloved hand. 

"Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. A befitting name for a lady such as yourself." The prince smiled brightly at the princess. 

Ares harshly cleared his throat, reminding the two of their whereabouts. A light flush took over Freidricks cheeks as he took a step back from Aphrodite, remembering the family members around them. 

"Now I have sent new gowns to your rooms, Artemis, Aphrodite, it would be wise to begin preparations for today's art event," Charlotte smirks seeing the siblings deflate. 

"How does this country host so many fucking events,"  Ares grumbled

"They have nothing better to do brother." Artemis sighed, rubbing away the oncoming headache

"Surely they must grow tiresome," Apollo added. 

"They spent four fucking hours walking around a park. Clearly, they are starved for excitement and have grown desperate." Aphrodite slumped her shoulders, mimicking her sister's longsuffering sigh. 

With a farewell to Friedrick and Lottie, they all made their way to begin preparations.

As they entered the gallery, the members of the ton bowed around them. The art was beautiful, distracting enough so that Artemis did not have to listen to Ares' whining. 

They made their rounds, introducing prince Friedrick to the ton. 

Cressida Cowper, who had been practically stalking the black brothers, seemed particularly interested in the only prince present who might actually marry. 

The Queen made her way towards her diamond, daphne, practically dragging the Prussian prince along. 

"Prince Friedrick, I would like you to meet my diamond, Daphne Bridgerton." Queen Charlotte introduced, her intentions crystal clear. 

"A pleasure Miss Bridgerton, and might I say your dress is lovely." The prince said politely. 

A horrendous snort erupted from daphne, forcing the black siblings to cover their faces with concealed laughter. 

"I-I am so sorry." Daphne flushed.

"No apologies necessary." The prince smiled, widely taken back and amused. 

"Maybe a small one," Charlotte muttered continuing their rounds. 

Artemis held back, waiting for the queen and prince to distance themselves enough so they would not overhear. 

"Graceful as ever daph." Artemis smirks, trying not to burst into laughter. 

"It was entirely your fault," Daphne accused turning to the laughing duke. 

From the corner of her eye, Artemis saw Anthony, jaw set and eyes blazing in emo glory. "Excuse me, I'm off to talk to lord Brood-erton over there." Artemis teased, making her way toward Anthony. 

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