Chapter 19

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A smile subtly adorned every face as they watched Daphne Bridgerton walk down the aisle. 

Artemis sent the nervous bride a wink as she passed by her. Giving the girl some subtle support. The princess knew that Daphne had affections for the Duke, she also knew that said affections were returned in full. Yet she also saw the wall of ice that existed between the two. 

The heat was there, burning their hearts from the inside and yet subdued. 

Anthony and Artemis continued to throw subtle glances towards each other during the ceremony. 

Ares pinched his sister multiple times to stop staring at the Viscount and pay attention to the ceremony before them. 

Aphrodite was gushing at the adorable couple, while Apollo seemed lost in his own mind. Though Artemis was aware of the glances Eloise Bridgerton was sending him. 

This surprised her as she was almost certain that the younger Bridgerton was infatuated with Ares, not Apollo. 

After the ceremony, the guests all returned to the Bridgerton house for the reception. Aphrodite danced happily with Gregory and Hyacinth while Ares brooded against the wall nearest her. 

Apollo had disappeared to go find Eloise, no doubt once again trying to uncover the identity of the famed writer, Lady Whistledown. It was a hobby they had taken up after the Queen had mentioned it, most likely noticing the need for distraction after the attack. 

Lady Whistledown had written an entire page on the event, declaring Prince Apollo the night in shining armor that saved Miss Eloise Bridgerton from bandits on her nightly stroll. The ton was practically drooling over the gossip and many had decided it would be a crime against romance if Apollo and Eloise were not married by the end of her first Season. 

They enjoyed their time saying goodbye to Daphne before she left with the Duke for their Estate. 

Sometime after the wedding, Artemis had received a letter from the new Duchess Hastings.

Dearest Artemis, 

I have an inquiry of the most awkward kind and I can think of no one I feel more comfortable asking than you my dearest friend. Before marriage, I was ignorant of the physical nature of love and I fear I remain so still. My mother failed to teach me and so I inquire of you, how does one come to be with child. 

I know this a most heinous topic to bring up to an unmarried woman however I find myself with nowhere else to turn. Please provide guidance as you always have. 

Your Friend, 

Daphne Bridgerton-Basset, The Duchess of Hastings

Artemis wrote back immediately, providing a detailed explanation of how a baby is formed as well as a few sensual tips to perform during the marital act. 

Artemis was by no means a virgin. Chastity was never a belief in Illyria. They had festivals of giant orgys dedicated to the goddess of fertility. Sex was a part of daily life, not some scandalous events. 

She had no shame in telling Daphne all about it, not realizing the effect her explanation would have on the young Duchess. 

More excitement followed shortly after as Colin announced his engagement to Miss Mariana, a woman Artemis was sure was with child. Only to learn from Lady Whistledown that she was in fact correct.

This newest piece of gossip was exactly how she wound up sitting in her drawing room at an ungodly our listening to the musings of Viscount Bridgerton, an occurrence that was becoming all too common for her taste. 

"He failed to ask my permission. He failed to research her at all! Then I had to endure a dinner with the Featheringtons! Now scandal falls on my family, because of his stupidity! I mean what was he thinking?" Anthony ranted as he paced the length of the room. 

Artemis sat in her chair fighting to stay awake, too tired to genuinely care what he was saying, "He is young. You can not fault him for thinking with heart, or more likely his cock."

"He is noble! The third son of the Bridgerton household he does not have such luxuries." Anthony grumbled to himself.

"You also have such a habit."

Anthony's head snapped to her so fast she worried he may have broken his own neck, "I most certainly do not!"

"I am a princess and you had me against the wall right after our siblings were attacked. You also continue to visit me unsupervised well into the night. I am not saying I do not enjoy such things, I am just advising you to recognize how easy it is to forgo societal rules in the name of the heart." Artemis wisely remarked to the grumbling Viscount. 

A slow smirk took over Anthony's features as he walked towards the sitting princess. He placed his hands on either arm of the chair before leaning down to her level. Their noses brushed and for a quiet moment, Anthony just looked at her. 

"You are absolutely correct. We are both compromised... You know propriety dictates I marry you for such things." There was a light in his eyes, a teasing glint that meant he was only partially joking. 

"And when have you ever been proper, Anthony?" She smirked right back. 

"I am a gentleman, I accept the consequences of my actions." He nearly kissed her when she moved her head allowing his lips to meet the corner of her mouth. 

"How romantic, I accept the consequences of my actions. As if marrying me was some great sacrifice." Matching the glint in his eyes. 

"I did not mean-"

She cut him off, connecting their lips in a slow tired kiss, "goodnight honorable Lord Bridgerton."

"Goodnight Princess Artemis Black."

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