Chapter 27

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As the party ended and the night grew quiet, Anthony decided it was time for their exit. Wishing their joy-filled family goodnight, the Viscount escorted his bride to their carriage so that they could retire for their honeymoon. 

He could see the exhaustion in his wife's golden eyes as she lazily gazed into his. 

His Wife.

An idea that once filled him with dread now brought him an overwhelming sense of pride. Before him sat the most beautiful woman in the world, one now graciously titled with his last name. She smiled and the world felt new again. All the pain and stress faded as she smiled at him. The Crown still weighed heavily on his head, he hadn't the slightest idea how she had not needed to fix her's once throughout the night. 

His eyes followed the curves of her body, elegantly displayed by the Illyrian-styled wedding dress. He lost himself in the silky material as her smile grew more predatory. 

Her fingers lightly lifted his chin drawing his eyes back to hers. Her golden eyes were nearly glowing with mischief and lust.

"My dearest husband... If you continue to undress me with your eyes, I am sure to pounce on you before we even reach the hall." Her finger's lightly traced his jaw as she kissed him. The outside world faded away, the bumps in the road no longer felt so obnoxious, and the stamp of the horses sounded distant and they sunk into each other's embrace.

Heat began to build between them as the passionate fire between them began to blaze brighter. Every nerve in their bodies was alight as they gripped at each other. 

They tried to be courteous when the carriage slowed. They knew the small staff was waiting to greet them but the thought of separating physically ailed them. 

The door opened just as they fixed themselves. Anthony was the first out of the carriage, turning to hold out his hand for his wife. His hand found it's way around her waist, pulling her into his side as they smiled graciously. The head of house Mrs. Graham welcomed them and introduced each of the staff, though in truth neither could focus on anything but their raging desire to be alone. 

"Shall I show your graces around the home?" Mrs. Graham asked kindly. 

Before Anthony could speak Artemis jumped in, "I find myself far too fatigued from today's excitement. I believe we can find it ourselves. In fact, you are all free for the night so please leave us undisturbed to rest." She spoke more like a general than a lady at the moment, but she was far too feral for Anthony to tone down her command. 

They found their way to their quarters, wishing everyone goodnight. The moment the door closed Anthony lunged, pulling her into him. She jumped wrapping her legs around his waist as she was pushed against the door. 

A moan escaped her echoing through the thin walls of the house causing the staff to rush out, red-faced and smirking to each other. "Ah yes, how tired they are." One maid whispered to her friend. "They were practically frothing at the mouth." Her friend giggled back only to be silenced by a stern look from Mrs. Graham.

As the sun rose, Anthony was awoken by his sleeping wife. Her eyebrows were pulled into a disturbed arch, her jaw looked clenched tight enough for her to break her own teeth. Sweat dripped down her neck even though goosebumps covered her skin. 

A grunt and a pained expression were all it took for Anthony to be on high alert. He held her impossibly closer as she lay across his chest. His fingers traced the scars on her bare back, memorizing their every curve and dent beneath his fingertips. 

"My love... Artemis..." He gently spoke, trying to wake her from her nightmare.

He was startled when she sprang up. Searching the room with unseeing golden eyes. He sat up on his elbows trying to wait for her to acknowledge him, when she didn't he reached out a hand once more to comfort her. 

"Artem-AHH" Before he could call out once more, Anthony found himself on the floor. A blade she got from under her pillow was held against his throat as she straddled him. Though her golden stare cut through him, she didn't seem to recognize him at all.

"How did you get in here rebel scum?!? TELL ME! WHERE IS APOLLO?!? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH HIM?!?" She growled out in Illyrian leaving Anthony completely lost as to what was happening.

"ARTEMIS! ARTEMIS, SWEETHEART! IT'S ME! It's ANTHONY!" He panicked, trying to calm his highly trained warrior wife before she slit his throat. 

Her eyes grew more focused as she heard his voice, "Anthony?"

"YES! YES, MY LOVE, IT'S ME! It's Anthony!"

She stumbled back off him, her shaking hands releasing the blade and dropping it onto the carpet. 

She fell backward trying to get away, afraid she would hurt him. "Artemis, Darling, It's alright it was just a dream!" Anthony sought to comfort his wife only for her to shy away from his touch. 

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" She mumbled over and over again, her accent growing thicker with emotion. 

"Artemis, my darling, it's okay. I've got you. You are safe. You didn't hurt me, I'm right here." This time she didn't shake away his advances as he pulled Artemis Bridgerton into his embrace. She cried, holding onto Anthony like a lifeline. She only muttered apologies as he held her close, smoothing out her hair and tracing those old battle scars. 

Artemis was horrified by what she had done. Her worst fears had come true and Anthony almost paid the price for it with his life. The next morning she would ask Mrs. Graham to set up a separate room for her, no longer trusting herself to sleep in the same room as her husband. She thought she had been tired enough to fight off the nightmares, but she was proven wrong. 

The glint of the knife was blinding in the golden morning sun. 

She did not trust herself around Anthony. She would rather die than hurt him and yet there she was, holding a knife to his neck. The small knick in his throat created a crimson contrast against his pale skin, mocking her. He held her close as if she wasn't a dangerous weapon that almost killed him just moments ago. 

She hated her fear, she was so frustrated at her inability to shake off the effects of war. She hated that she could not be the normal, kind wife that Anthony deserved. 

Artemis Bridgerton was a broken woman and she hated herself for it.  

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