Chapter 21

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An odd tension was in the air at the engagement announcement of Viscount Anthony Bridgerton and Princess Artemis Black. 

Like the pull of the tide right before an enormous wave knocks you right off your feet and pulls you out to sea. 

The night was beautiful. People danced and celebrated the new couple. Most shocked that the capital R- Rake was engaged to the season's most desired bachelorette. 

Violet couldn't stop smiling, already turning her plots on her next eldest, Benedict. 

The night was alive and filled with joy and love, yet the royal siblings could not let themselves relax. They knew better. 

Their mother had once told her children that the Noble Black blood was a curse. For however many moments of joy and peace, they must pay the price with equal tragedy and hardship. 

The siblings all felt it as they stood on high alert. 

Something was happening, something bad. 

They had the same feelings before an enemy armada would surprise them in the dead of night. Like a shadow waiting to strike. 

The paranoia was getting to them, growing, growing, growing

The party buzzed around them and yet they knew that the Black curse was coming to take the price for the joy they felt. 

"Are you well, love?" Anthony whispered to Artemis as he held her close. His mother's ring graced her callused fingers. 

"I don't know." She whispered back, noticing a similar conversation happening between Eloise and Apollo. 

"You feel it too?" Ares asked in Illyrian as he took his stance next to his sister. 

"Yes. Something is wrong. Have you checked on Aphrodite? I haven't seen her in a few minutes." Artemis responded checking every corner for her sister. 

"She is with Penelope Featherington. She feels it too, as does Apollo... Something is definitely wrong.

They knew they were right when the doors of the ballroom opened and one of the queen's messengers came racing toward them. The party was held at the palace, it was grand and wildly exclusive so the moment a little man in a powdered wig came panting up to them, a letter with the Black seal in hand, they knew. 

"You're majesties. A most urgent letter from your father."The man panted giving the letter to Artemis. 

She looked at the letter, hands shaking as she turned to Ares. 

"I will get them. Go to the western library, we'll meet you there." Ares said, taking off to gather Apollo and Aphrodite. 

Artemis nodded absentmindedly as she turned to Anthony, his lovely brown eyes aflame with concern. "Please entertain our guests. Hopefully, this will take but a moment." 

She didn't wait for a response as she took off towards the western library. She paced the length of the room, letter in hand, as her siblings came filing in.

"The curse," Apollo said. 

" We don't know that. He could have simply heard about Artemis' engagement." Aphrodite offered up hopefully, but they all recognized that whatever the letter was, it was no good news and it would have been impossible for their father to hear the news and right back in a such short amount of time. 

"We are generals. Stop being such fucking children. Whatever it is we will deal with it as we always have." Ares growled leaning against the marble fireplace. 

"What with blood-stained hands?" Apollo barked back, his fear turning to anger. 

"Enough... There's only one way to know the contents of the letter... Open it." Artemis announced popping the wax seal open with her fingernails. 

The letter read...

" Prince Ares, Prince Apollo, Princess Artemis, and Princess Aphrodite.

Your immediate presence is requested. Return to the capital at once. Yesterday evening, at the wedding feast of your brother, Crown Prince Hephestous Black, and his bride Captian Sansa Veltum, a group of rebels disguised as guards attacked. 

I regret to inform you the attack resulted in the death of the crown prince and his bride, as well as Queen Ester (As well as the unborn prince within her who upon burial was granted the name Dionysus Tir Black ) and the fourth prince Hermes Black. First princess Athena black sustained severe injuries but survived as did I.

Tensions remain high and your return is mandatory. 

As the second born, Prince Ares has progressed to the title of Crown prince and heir to the Illyrian throne. A bitter prize, I know. 

Come home, children. Drop everything and take up arms once more to avenge your dead family and protect the living remains. 

King Mikael Black.

First of his name. King of Illyria."

Silence filled the room as silent tears fell down their faces. The flickering flame was the only noise as they stood numb, understanding the meaning of those words. 

Their mother was dead. 

Three of their brothers were dead as well as their new sister-in-law.

The ancient laws had been broken by these traitors, they slaughtered the couple at their wedding. 

Ares was now heir to the throne. 

Athena and their father were wounded and most likely unable to fight. 

And finally...

They were going back to war.

They were going back to Illyria.

****End of Part One****

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