Chapter 8

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Artemis laughed as her hung-over brothers stumbled into the drawing room. Ares groaned in displeasure as he sank into the couch next to Aphrodite. 

"Well, I suppose you had fun last night, brothers?" She asked obnoxiously loud, causing the two to groan painfully. 

"You, my dear sister, are a bitch." Apollo leaned back onto her lap with his eyes closed. 

"Unfortunately for you two scoundrels, her majesty has demanded we promenade this morning with the rest of the ton," Aphrodite smirked, playing lightly with Ares' hair. 

"What the fuck is promenade?" Ares grumbled. 

"According to Athena, it's when you walk around outside, totally supervised," Artemis answered. 


"Rather ironic of you Apollo. But unfortunately, we need supervision so you need to babysit us." Artemis teased pulling a little too hard on her twin's dark curls. 

"Ouch... no." 

"...Penelope Featherington might be there. As well as Eloise Bridgerton." Artemis added in, secretly catching the attention of both brothers. 

"It's not like we have a choice unless you plan to marry in Artemis' stead," Ares added looking at his pitiful little brother. 

"Alright alright, I get it... Let's get ready to go... walk outside, I guess." Apollo grumbled sitting up to go get ready. 

Their tent happened to be set up near the Bridgerton's. 

As they sat, they became surrounded by suitors and mothers. The Black sibling grew more and more overwhelmed as more suitors surrounded them. 

Unfortunately for all people involved, child-soldier, war generals with major PTSD do not handle such anxieties in the same manner as the British elite. 

"Excuse me," Artemis announced as she walked out of the canopy attempting to escape the forming crowd. 

A few men followed after her, continuing to surround her. 

"Are you alright, princess?"

"You look a bit flushed, princess."

"Would you like me to escort you, princess?"

It seemed that even the smallest noise became overwhelming as she walked faster to escape the suitors. Breathing became more difficult as they squawked about their endless stream of questions like meddlesome crows. 

One of the men stepped in front of her causing her to halt in her advances. Unable to escape and completely surrounded Artemis reached for a sword that was not at her side as she stood ready to fight. 

"Ah there you are Princess, I was waiting for you. Excuss me gentlemen but Princess Artemis and I have prior engagements." Anthony Bridgerton broke through the crowd, causing them to step back. His mother stood a few paces behind him, a look of concern across her pretty features. 

"Ah yes! Lord Bridgerton, I'm terribly sorry I got held up. Excuse me, gentlemen." Artemis played along taking Anthony's outstretched hand. 

He led them away from the disappointed men and started walking towards Lady Brindgerton. 

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