Chapter 17

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Eloise was shaking as Apollo walked her to the chateau. Blood stained her delicate blue dress and her ivory-white skin. 

The red stuck out horribly on her looking horrendously out of place.

If his jacket weren't far more coated in the ugly color he would have covered her in it, hiding her away from the vile reality of the world.

She hadn't spoken a word as he escorted her up to his room. 

"Would you like me to send for your family?" Apollo asked softly as he sat her down on the bed. He cared little for the effect the blood would have on his sheets. He knew with the wave of a hand, the blushing maids that harassed him would descend upon him to fix the problem.

Eloise didn't speak a word, the glassy, distant look in her eye never fading. Apollo stood to go fetch Artemis, or Aphrodite, even fucking Ares would be better at comforting the poor girl whose life was in danger because of him. 

Because of him. 

She was out there looking for him. She was in danger because someone tried to harm him. 

That truth weighed on his heart heavier than any sin he had committed. And he is quite the sinner indeed. 

Before he could retreat for reinforcements a dainty hand shot out fiercely grabbing his sleeve. 

"N-no... Don't." Though quiet, the command was strong and Apollo couldn't find it in himself to disobey her. 

He would give anything, sacrifice anything, kill anyone, just to wipe away the terror clouding those pretty puppy dog eyes. 

"Alright. Alright, love, don't send yourself into a fit, I'm not going anywhere...forgive my volume for a moment... ARTEMIS!!!" He had placed his hand over her ears just before roaring the name of his sister, so as not to startle the already terrified woman in front of him. 

"Why does no one in England let me fucking sleep...Oh... WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE?!" Artemis snapped at him as she laid eyes on the blood-covered girl on his bed. 

Apollo barely registered what he was saying as he spat an explanation in their mother tongue at his twin. 

Artemis didn't seem to actually care as she helped Eloise into the bathroom demanding the maid draw a bath and get Eloise one of Aphrodite's dresses. Like a general ordering her soldiers she told Ares what happened and sent him with a letter explaining to Anthony Bridgerton. Apollo stood helpless as he was ordered to take a bath in Ares' room and change his clothes before the Bridgertons arrived. 

Then softly as a mother she took Eloise's hand and lead her into the bathroom, taking on the job of a maid the princess stooped onto her knees and washed the blood from Eloise herself. She whispered encouragement and told stories that seemed to bring a slight smile to the girl's face. 

Her hands still shook but she looked more present as she looked down at the pink-tinted water. 

An hour later a frantic Anthony and Violet Bridgerton entered the chateau. 

Eloise sat in the drawing room, her wet hair braided and wearing one of Aphrodite's pretty blue dresses. Forgetting all rules of greeting Voilet raced over to her daughter embracing her tightly as tears flooded her eyes. 

Anthony looked furious, before he could spit out a word Artemis placed a hand on his arm, whispering for them to speak outside. 

As they stepped into the corridor Anthony could feel his raging blood cool slightly at the sight of Artemis. 

He knew Artemis would take care of his sister, but the terror of hearing that his sister was attacked still sent him into a rage. 

"What happened?" Anthony practically growled. 

"Eloise had gone looking for Apollo. They seemed to have had a spat so she went to confront him. When Apollo was walking her home, assassins from Illyria attacked meaning to kill Apollo. Eloise was simply there at an unfortunate time." Artemis explained.

"Illyria? but I thought the civil war over and settled." Anthony asked, keenly aware that this meant Artemis too could be in danger. 

"The war is over but there are those who do not believe it is my family that should have inherited the crown. They question our legitimacy and want us dead. The numbers are very few but they still remain." Artemis explained casually as if it was an obvious event. 

"Will they come back? Now that Eloise is seen with him will they target her?" Anthony asked. 

"Rest easy Anthony. The only ones that saw them together are now burning in hades. Apollo made sure of it." 

"Will they come for you?"

"They will always come for me. That is inevitable. But none have succeeded, I still live. Once I am married off I will be less of a threat to the throne, but a threat nonetheless." Artemis said leaning tiredly against the wall. 

"You seem tired." 

"I am tired, Anthony... So...So tired." 

Though they were both aware that exhaustion stretched beyond the physical, it was a spiritual exhaustion that came from years of no peace. 

Silence took over the hall as they looked at each other. 

She studied the forming bruise on his face from where she had punched him the morning of the duel. 

That anger she felt was still there. That pain that he was only willing to love her before he died. Anthony saw it too, that hurt hidden behind those sharp golden eyes. 

After a moment of somber silence, Anthony broke it.

"...I meant every word," Anthony whispered softly as a prayer. 

"Those words were the babblings of a cowardly man marching towards his demise." Artemis' comforting face contorted into pure rage. 

"They were the promises of a man who is in love with you, Artemis." 

"So what... You can only love me right before you die. You can only tell me how much you crave me right before you leave. Does the taste of your name on my lips still haunt you, Anthony? Do you still love me now that you are not staring down the barrel of a gun?" 

"You are impossible."

"You are a coward." 

They hadn't realized how close they had gotten. Hadn't realized their noses brushed and their breath intertwined. 

"And if I had stayed? If I didn't run? What would you have said?... What wise words would the glorious Princess Artemis Feyja Black have woven together just for me?" Anthony's voice was low, quiet, like the stalking of a predator. 

"I would have told you that you are insufferable. I would have told you that you are like an ever-present gnat flying around my thoughts. So fucking annoying yet I can not seem to rid myself of you. I would have told you that you have captured my attention in its entirety. You are a drug to me... My feeling is tearing me apart and I can't find it in myself to stop loving you, no matter how much of an annoying fucking coward you are." 

Before she could utter another word, his lips crashed into hers.

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