Chapter 26

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Apollo was ashamed to admit he was more than slightly intoxicated.

Through the reception of his sister's wedding, he had been downing bottles of alcohol and masterfully avoiding a certain Bridgerton girl that haunted his every sober thought. 

Artemis and Anthony looked madly in love as they danced across the room, smiling and whispering into each other's ears. Anyone could see how happy the couple was. Even the Queen was glowing with joy. 

Apollo was happy for his sister, but it felt as if their chapter was closing. Artemis had been at his side since the womb. Twins were always close but Apollo and Artemis were always two halves of a whole. 

They led the southern Illyrian legions together during the war. They traveled to England together. They fought a rebellion together. Though their story was full of trials and heartbreak, he wasn't ready for it to end. He wasn't ready to lose his sister and he most certainly wasn't ready to battle his demons alone. 

Logically he knew his sister would always be there if he needed her. But in the drunken haze of his own deteriorating mental health, it felt as if he was being left behind. 

Eloise Bridgerton saw Apollo stumble his way out of the room and quickly excused herself from Penelope to follow after him. 

Even drunk, he was difficult to keep up with as she made her way down the balcony steps and into the garden after him. She found him collapsed against a statue holding the cement angel's outstretched hands to keep from falling completely. 

"Apollo!" She called out, rushing over to help him stand. He towered over her, it was difficult to get him over to the bench but she managed well enough. 

"Eloise... My Eloise... Well, not my Eloise I suppose, you're Ares' Eloise. Fuck Ares... But Ares is gone too... Why must they all be taken from me? First my mother and brothers, now my sisters too. Aphrodite is to marry that Prussian cunt, now Artemis is taken away too by your foolish whore of a brother. I am alone... I do not want to be alone." His heavily intoxicated accent made it nearly impossible to discern what he was saying but she managed that well enough too. 

"Apollo you are drunk."

"Yesss... I am drunk... and sad... Drunk and sad and all alone... Tell me, angel, what do you see in Ares, he's a boorish brainless bafoon... Though I suppose he will be king so there's that... But I'm so much prettier. Aren't I pretty, Angel?"

"Maybe I should get you some water."

"I don't want your water, nor your pity-"

"It is not pity to care for you!"

"Oh you care for me do you!?"


It grew quiet and Eloise grew more flustered at her outburst. She thought for a moment and determined Benedict might be more apt to handle the 6'3" Drunk Illyrian Prince. As she stood to go get him, a calloused and grabbed her wrist. 

He lightly pulled he back to sit, tenderly enough that if she wanted to she could still leave. 

"When I offer my assistance to you, when I said I would help you woo my brother do you remember what I asked for in return?" Apollo asked, sobering slightly.


"I asked for a favor. I know what i want."

"What is that, Apollo."

"I want you to stay. I want you to be by my side until I leave this accursed world. I want you to love me as I love you. I want you to gaze at me with the same admiration you afforded Ares... I ask that you stay... That's my request, that you stay with me." Tears clouded his golden eyes as he gazed up at Eloise. All the suppressed passion and love came pouring out in a single glance. 

She melted under his scrutiny. Her heart ached as she looked at him. There was a time long ago when Ares had been the object of her desire. She couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when Ares had lost her interest. She had almost completely forgotten about Apollo's brother if she was honest. 

She scoured her memory for a single moment that would explain why this drunken idiot in front of her had stolen her heart so completely. But she couldn't find one. 

Somewhere along their journey Apollo had invaded her every sense, the very air in her lungs seemed dedicated to him. Apollo may fall into love easily but Eloise surely did not. 

She knew of his pain, she understood his anger, she memorized his faults, and yet she found d him flawed perfectly. 

The words caught in her throat, and for the first time, Eloise Bridgerton found herself completely thoughtless. 

So she took a page from the Illyrian Prince's book and chose action instead. 

She slammed her lips into his, tasting the bitter alcohol on his tongue. They melted into each other forming one soul joined. They felt on fire, they felt whole, they felt the loneliness fade and the music grows distant.

Eloise separated, her forehead resting against his. Her heart nearly beat out of her chest. 

"Well, a deal is a deal I suppose." Eloise teased, smiling brightly.

"You are a lady of your word, Miss Bridgerton." Apollo smiled, stone-cold sober now.

Neither would feel alone again.

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