Chapter 2

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("Hello" = in Illyrian)

Entering Lady Danbury's ball was reminiscent of walking into a lion's den for the Black royals. Though no member of the ton knew of their social standing as Princes and Princesses, there was a clear discrepancy.

Apollo and Ares towered over the other men in the room, bodies built from years of battle they had an heir of intimidation that drew the people's attention. 

The Black family knew they were attractive, it was a wonderful weapon for gaining followers during the Illyrian Revolution. 

They looked beautiful, charismatic, unshakable, completely and utterly godlike. 

The air in the room seemed to change when the siblings stepped inside. All eyes turned to the stangers with hunger the siblings were well acquainted with. 

A deep scowl fell onto Ares' sharp features as he pulled his sisters closer to him. Apollo shot a wink at several ladies who in turn flushed a deep red. 

"I thought the English women were meant to be timid, and yet the delicate fawns look as if they would fuck you on the floor," Artemis spoke in their native tongue. 

Apollo barked a laugh, which Ares would have joined if he wasn't too busy glaring down his nose at the men in the room.

"Yes, and I thought there was meant to be gentlemen and yet all I see are vultures" Ares growled pulling Aphrodite into his side. 

Artemis scanned the perimeter. Though it had been quite some time since she had faced a threat, years of battle and paranoia had changed her way of thinking. 

Six windows. 

Four doors. 

No visible threats.

Apollo, noticing his twin's soldier-like stance moved next to her, "There is nothing to worry about, sister, no one knows us here." 

Her golden eyes caught sight of a certain fawn trapped by the drinks by an ugly mole. Without warning, she left her brothers and made her way toward the woman who glanced desperately for an escape from the man. 

With a fluid motion, Artemis slid her arm through the woman adorning a bright smile, "There you are darling! I turned and you were gone! Now as I was saying Apollo was dying to meet you. I hope you don't mind if I steal her attention, good sir!" 

The women's shoulders sagged in relief. The ugly man fumbled for words but Artemis gave him no time to craft a response as she pulled the fair maiden away. 

At a safe distance, the girl turned to her with a relieved smile, "Oh thank you for that. Lord Berbrooke cornered me well."

"Well I could not leave another fair maiden in the hands of a beast, us ladies must stick together. I do not believe I caught your name." 

"Forgive me, I am Daphne Bridgerton... and you are?"

"I am Artemis Black." 

"What a beautiful name. Lady Black-"

"Please call me Artemis... We are friends now, no?" 

"Artemis then...Forgive me my indiscretion but your accent is lovely, where are you from?" Daphne beamed at the beautiful woman who saved her from the bumbling baron Berbrooke. 

"I am from Illyria," Artemis answered, a certain pride shining through her. 

Daphne's eyes widened, there were many stories of Illyria. Their traditions were outlandish and she had read a book on their societal differences that Eloise had lent to her on one particularly long carriage ride. 

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