Chapter 7

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Artemis swiftly made her way around the party trying to find Daphne. From across the dance floor, she saw the Bridgerton girl walking into the maze unescorted. 

As gracefully as she could she glided straight through the center of the dance floor, her feet quick enough to avoid running into a dancing couple. 

She made her way into the maze only to find Daphne being grabbed by a disgruntled Lord Berbrooke. "You should be thanking me. I amyour last hope. No one WANTSyou, Miss Bridgerton--" "Let go of me!" 

In two bounds Artemis descended upon them, her fist flew straight into his temple knocking the man out. "Vial piece of shit!" the princess growled, spitting on the fallen pig as she turned to daphne. 

"Are you alright?" She asked. Taking the girl's shaking hands into her own. 

From the shadows, the duke of hastings slowed his running as he looked upon the scene.

"Your Grace. I had no intention... " Daphne was cut off. 

"Of knocking the climp flat out?I must say I am impressed. Quite a swing you've got there, princess." Simon said leaning down to ensure the man was still breathing. A nasty bruised temple and black eye were already forming on the fallen lord's face.

"Yes well, I've had lots of practice putting men in their place." Artemis scowled at Lord Berbrooke.

 "What are you doing out here?" Daphne asked Simon, her heart rate going back to normal.

 "Avoiding certain... people." He answered coldly. 

"People?" Daphne asked. 

"Mothers. They are people, Isuppose."

"You were coming from the DarkWalk. It is merely a few stepsaway... The Dark Walk is merely a fewsteps away... And we are alone.With two men. Oh, Artemis we are alone with two men!" Daphne began to panic.

It took Artemis a second to realize what the problem was. England and its strange societal rules never ceased to amaze her.

 "I believe we are only with oneman, the other is... that," Artemis said gesturing towards the lump that was Lord Berbrooke. 

"We shall be compromised just thesame. We must go." She said grabbing the princess' hand. "Marry me... Miss Bridgerton... " Lord Berbrooke called out half-conscious. 

Without much thought Artemis drew her foot back and kicked him once again in the side of the head, knocking him out cold once more. 

"Now as far as proposals go, thatmay be the least romantic of all," Simon said smugly. 

" I suppose if someone were to findme here, it would be one way outof marrying him," Daphne said sadly. 

"You cannot possibly be thinkingof marrying him," Simon asked in horror.

"We could always just kill him now-ouch!" Artemis pouted holding the arm that Daphne had smacked with her fan. 

"If I am unable to secure anotheroffer, there may be no alternative.Unlike you, I cannot simply declareI do not wish to marry. I do nothave such a privilege." Daphne proclaimed in dismay. 

"I will never understand such things," Artemis muttered to herself.

"Yes, I was quite surprised tolearn you no longer have a lineof suitors around every last squarein London." The duke said crossing his arms crossed his chest. 

 "I am in no need of your derision,sir. " Daphne spat back. 

"I do not mock you. I am beingsincere. I know of what this LadyWhistledown has written. Trust Ipossess as much contempt for theauthor as you. She has all butissued a challenge to London'smost ambitious mamas --encouraging, provoking them to... 

"Claim you as their prize? " Daphne asked almost teasing.

"Oh, what a handsome trophy your head would make on a mama's wall." Artemis joined.

 "Do not worry, Your Grace. Ibelieve such a win would bepromptly forfeited, indeed. We must... Go this way. You,through those trees-" Daphne continued.

"Perhaps there is an answer. Toour collective Lady Whistledownissue. We could pretend to form anattachment. With you on my arm, the worldwill believe I have finally foundmy Duchess. Every presumptuousmother in town will leave me alone.And every suitor will be lookingat you. You must know men are alwaysinterested in a woman if theybelieve another, particularly aDuke, to be interested as well." 

"You presume Lady Whistledown will-"

"-I presume she will deem usprecisely what we are: Me,unavailable. You... Desirable."

"It is an absurd plan."

"It's stupid yet wildly entertaining, I say go for it. It is only a plus that it shall royally piss off Anthony." The princess commented as she began dragging Nigel Berbrookes's body out of the way where people would see him. 

 "I find it quite brilliant.Provided you do not wish to marryme, and I do not wish to marryyou -- whatever should you haveto lose? Besides him, of course." 

An agreement had been struck and Artemis had a feeling she knew exactly where it would lead. None can fake a flame for long without starting a true one and burning themselves. 

She smiled slightly as she watched them walk off towards the dancefloor together. Every eye was on them as they gracefully moved in perfect union. 

"And what is this? I talked to the duke the other day at some men's club and he had no interest in marrying." Apollo asked as he moved to stand beside his sister. 

"I do believe brother. We are destined to watch a very entertaining love bloom." Artemis smirked looking up at her twin. 

"I look forward to it. But I do believe I spotted the beacon of yellow, Lady Penelope. I have not been able to find her all night." He said.

"Ah yes, with that dress it is very hard to spot her. She blends in so seamlessly. The blind would have much difficulty distinguishing her."  Artemis' voice dripped with sarcasm as her brother laughed. 

He scurried off in the direction of his latest true love, Miss Featherington. 

With a shake of her head, her attention turned back to Daphne only to see Anthony glaring at the pair. 

His warm brown eyes met hers and for a moment time seemed to stand still. The music faded and the world seemed to quiet as she found herself being drawn to him. There was a magnetic pull between them, something stronger than simple fleeting lust. 

She'd have fucked him if she thought it would help quell the raging unexplained desire she had towards the oldest Bridgerton. 

They had only spoken a few times, simple passing conversations that somehow felt like more. 

She didn't know what this feeling was. It was not love, as she didn't even truly know the man. It didn't feel the same as mere lust. There was a deepness about their bond. Deeper than attraction yet not yet love. Like a flower, growing but not yet bloomed. 

Artemis knew that there would be more to her relationship with Anthony. It was as if the fates had already tied a red string around their hearts, connecting their fates. 

"What a wildly entertaining love, indeed." She whispered to herself, before turning her attention back towards Simon and Daphne. 

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