Chapter 18

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A gasp left Artemis as Anthony's lips crashed into hers. In a less-than-graceful display, he had pinned her against the hallway wall, the paintings shuttering with the impact. 

He delicately grasped her gloved wrists, pinning them above her head, light enough for her to escape if she decided he was out of line but harsh enough to hold her steady. 

After reconnecting with reality Artemis followed his movements, like a furious dance they met and melded into one. 

She freed her wrists only to throw her arms around him, pulling him ever closer. 

Her harsh breathing was the only sound in the darkened hall as Anthony moved from her lips to her neck taking in every bit of her warm tanned skin.

Her scent of lavender and honey clouded his mind as he was utterly intoxicated by her. 

He pulled back, his nose brushing against hers as he slowed the quick pace, staring into her gorgeous golden eyes. 

"I meant every word I spoke to you... I concede I may be a coward but that does not change the fact that I am yours completely to break as you will. Shatter me if you wish, but my heart is yours whether either of us likes it or not. You ignite my every passion and I refuse to miss what could have been due to fear... I... I love you, Artemis Black. I will be by your side in any capacity you desire but the universal truth is I love you." Anthony whispered. 

His brown eyes were alight with passion as his shaking fingers traced the curve of her cheek. 

She was silent for a moment before melting into his reconnecting their lips as if joining their souls.

She pulled back again, a heat in her gaze that he finally identified.

"I have fought on countless battlefields, I have traversed through a thousand nightmares, and if my prize for conquering such horrors is you, it will have all been worth it." Her whispers beckoned him back to her. 

Eloise sat next to Apollo her hands continued to shake even after all that time had passed. He reached over, his callused, war-torn hands latched onto her delicate, pale fingers. 

"I'm sorry." Apollo's whisper filled the empty air between them. 

The haze in her eyes cleared as she turned to him, his face crushed in guilt as he stopped her hands from shaking. 

"You were attacked too." Eloise's broken voice whispered back. 


"No... Apollo, you were attacked too! Everyone is acting like I am the fragile being who was in danger but you were scared too... A stranger's blood is dried under your fingernails too. Yet, no one has asked you yet if you're okay... So no, don't be sorry because you were a victim too." Eloise said passionately as she held tightly to his hand that he just realized was slightly shaking too. 


"It's okay if you were scared too..." Their eyes met and Apollo couldn't help the moisture forming in his eyes. 

Tears fell down his chiseled features as he moved his forehead to meet hers. 

"We're okay."

"We're okay."

 Eloise lightly brushed the tears from his face as a small sob escaped his lips. The fear and horror crashed down on him as she wrapped her arms around him. His body shook with silent tears, far too accustomed to being in danger. 

Something about having her there...


She was there, in danger too.

His Eloise. 

Those beautiful brave, brown eyes shone with terror as a man held her life against him. The memory of her fear-filled face repeated in his mind as he held her close in his embrace.

For years he had hated his father for the horrors he had made Apollo and his siblings endure. Because of King Michael Black, Apollo was robbed of his childhood, and forced to stare the devil in the face unflinching. 

But he was always scared. 

The bile rose in his throat after every battle, the stench of blood and death carved into his memory for all eternity. 

Because of Michael Black. 

Now because of HIM, Eloise Bridgerton would also know the feeling of another man's blood on her hands. Now because of him, she would awaken from nightmares of a blade against her throat. 

Now because of him, his Eloise was in danger and he could do nothing to stop it. 

"We're okay." She whispered in comfort as her fingers pulled through his hair. 

They stayed like that and as the tears dried up they pulled away from the improper position. 

He silently stood, guilty and embarrassed as he began to walk towards the door. 

"Will I see you again?" She asked reaching out to grab his hand.


"You avoided me before... Will you come to see me again?" 

"...As if any man could stay away from you, Eloise Bridgerton." 



"That's very soon." A smile formed on her face. 

"Not soon enough, I'm afraid." His voice was soft as a prayer as he gave her hand one final squeeze before exiting the sitting room. 

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