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Kiera immediately headed upstairs when she got home. Thankfully her dad wasn't there to ask about her day. She threw her bag on the floor, kicked her sneakers off and hopped onto the bed. A long sigh followed as she remembered she'd have to do this again tomorrow. Kiera soon drifted to sleep, escaping for a while.

A knock at the door interupted the warped view of a classroom. Keira's eyebrows furrowed as she slowly opened her eyes. Her dad stood at the doorway still in his work attire.

"I bought dinner." he informed her. "Come down before it gets cold."

Kiera groaned. "I'm not hungry." And pushed her face into the pillow.

"It's your favorite." her dad said in a sweeter tone. "Burritos. The ones with the soft shell." he droned on. "I thought you'd want it since we haven't had it in a while." Kiera's fists balled in the sheets. "And it's not good to skip meals. Also, don't lie on your bed in those dirty clo-"

"Okay, I'm coming," Kiera replied indolently. "You don't need to go on about it."

The room was quiet for a few minutes. The darkness of the pillow clouded Kiera's vision but she heard footsteps drawing closer to her. She didn't bother to look up. She knew what came next.

"Kiera, I know you realize I don't speak to you like that. I'd like it if you remain respectful when you speak to me." her dad said firmly, the bass multiplying in his voice. "I don't know where this attitude of yours is stemming from but fix it. You've been acting like this for the past couple of months." he sighed. "Since your mom..." his breath became shaky. "This. Then the school. I know it's hard but I sometimes think I don't know you anymore. I'm trying my best here." he placed his heavy words on her.

Kiera squeezed her eyes shut as tears threatened to fall out. She knew he was trying. That still didn't make her situation any easier. If only he knew the half of it. 

"Come downstairs and eat," he said finally and left.

Kiera took a few deep breaths before she stood up. She then wiped her eyes and plodded downstairs. Her dad sat on the sofa with a couple papers in a binder next to him.

"They're on the table," he told Kiera.

She didn't reply but ventured into the kitchen. Kiera pulled a single burrito from the bag and turned towards the stairs.

"Eat down here. I can't have you in the house starving yourself."

Kiera narrowed her eyes at him but begrudgingly obliged. After she sat down, she slowly took small bites forcing herself to swallow. Why'd he have to bring up her mom and all that other stuff? It's as if he was blaming her for it all. 

* * *

Kiera was downstairs before 7:30 the next morning and took a granola bar from the cupboard. She didn't need to hear her dad go on about the effects of not eating again. She said her goodbyes to him and quickly went to the garage. There sat her silver car waiting for her. She felt a twinge of excitement as she got inside and turned it on. She took a few breaths, put her seatbelt on, then left the yard. 

Heading to Berkton High in her car rather than public transportation felt different as she didn't have to sit with her thoughts the whole time. Instead, she put on some music for the whole drive. And she got there faster than she did yesterday. 

Finding a parking space was a bit difficult since a lot of the kids there drove cars. She had to drive around a bit before she found a space. Kiera parked and got out of her car. Before she reached the front door she heard Halle calling her. 

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