Epilogue (Part 2)

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Kiera stood with a smile as Lance walked towards her. He planted a kiss on her cheek and then said, "Did you see that shot? I think it's my best one yet."

It was a bit difficult to hear him over the sounds of cheers and chatter from the thousands of people in the arena. Still, she got the idea.

"You say that after every game." She chuckled.

"I do?" Lance said to himself. "I must be really good."

"You are," Kiera added. "All those people shouting to you, getting picked to be shooting guard, hmm?"

This time Lance chuckled. "Thank you."

"How's my favorite sister-in-law?" Dylan walked over to Kiera and placed his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm your favorite because I'm your only sister-in-law, and I'm doing good," Kiera replied. "I enjoyed the game." She let out a small yawn afterward catching herself off-guard.

"I was going to mention why Kyle isn't here but you're tired," Dylan stated.

"He isn't here? What happened?" Kiera asked.

Dylan stretched his arms overhead and replied, "Morgan is in labour as we speak."

Kiera's mouth fell open. "I thought she wasn't due for a couple more days."

"The baby wanted to come out early," Dylan shrugged.

"Alright man," Lance placed a hand on his chest. "See you later."

"You guys aren't coming out tonight?" Dylan's eyebrows furrowed.

Lance shook his head. "Nate sprained his ankle. I'm sure he's waiting to see me."

Kiera smiled to herself as she remembered Nate being before she left. If she allowed it he'd be at the game also but the doctor said he needed to rest his ankle. To say he was disappointed was an understatement. They hadn't seen Lance in person in a couple of months and he was really looking forward to attending the game. Then the unfortunate thing happened during a game of basketball with some neighborhood kids. One misstep by another boy and she saw her son limping. 

"The life of a parent." Dylan placed a hand under his chin. 


"Not at all, as a matter of fact, I'm about to head to the penthouse and stay up all night partyi-"

"Okay okay," Lance chuckled.

"I actually thought you and Kyle would have the roles reversed," Kiera stated. 

Dylan shook his head. "I like to keep people guessing," He smiled at her and then pulled her in for a hug. "It was nice seeing you again, Kiera."

"You too," Kiera replied.

Dylan and Lance exchanged their goodbyes and then they headed out. After Lance changed out of his gears and took a quick shower, they headed outside with the bodyguard following closely. Kiera thought the reporters and paparazzi seemed to double each time she went to a game. She felt like she would never get used to them. It was a relief when they finally got into the car that would take them to the hotel.

The one part she enjoyed was looking out at the city lights while driving at night. Along with the feel of the cool breeze on her face, she let out a sigh.

They soon got to the hotel and made their way to the fifth floor.


As Lance opened the door they heard Nate's voice from around the corner. "Dad's here!"

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