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Author's note

I wanted to say thanks to you guys who have been consistently reading my story. I really appreciate it. Also, remember to vote, leave a comment and tell me what you think :)


As the weeks passed by, Kiera found herself being more open to spending time with Halle and her friends. Though she still didn't refer to them as her friends yet, but it was progress. The talk she had with Josie that day surely helped. They never brought it up again but it was like they had an unspoken understanding.

Thankfully she only had to deal with the awkward run-ins with Mariah rarely as she didn't hang out with Halle much anymore. Though the feelings of guilt were still there. She knew it made no sense, but she couldn't help feeling like she stole Mariah's friends. None of them mentioned why this was and Kiera never bothered to ask as she already knew the reason. 

Kiera patiently waited as Miss. Afere adjusted the the papers on her desk as she usually did. Once seated, the woman rested her elbows on the table, a smile already plastered on her face as she looked at Kiera. "So, it's nice to see you again Kiera. How are things going? Any changes since the last time I saw you?"

Kiera nodded slowly. "Uh, I think so." She glanced up at Miss. Afere who gave an encouraging nod. "It feels less strange being here now. I have people to hang out with."

"That's good to hear. And who are these people? Tell me about them."

"There's Halle. She's the first one I met when I came here." Kiera stated. "She's really nice. Luca's her friend and Josie's her girlfriend. They're both...nice to me." Kiera awkwardly chuckled.

"Take your time." Miss. Afere told her.

"I guess I don't feel so alone anymore," she said softly. She glanced up at Miss. Afere who wore a proud look on her face.

"This is all I've wanted for you." Miss. Afere told the girl. "To see you looking relaxed, and enjoying your time here. But I have to ask. Are you having any issues you'd like to tell me about?"

Kiera looked down at her lap. She wondered if she should bring up Mariah. It didn't seem like that big of an issue at the moment anyways. The closest she came to a confrontation with that girl was the night at the movies. She was trying to forget about all that so maybe it was best not to bring it up.

"No." Kiera said.

Miss. Afere nodded and took up a paper on her desk. "I've been looking at your grades and I see improvement from last month. Especially with biology."

"Yea, I had a tutor and that helped." Kiera felt a smile creep up at the thought of him. They hadn't seen each other in a while. The only interactions they really had were the occasional greetings that Lance would make when he saw her in the hallways or when she went for lunch with Halle and his friends. She found herself wondering how he was doing.

Miss. Afere cocked her head to the side. "Was the tutor also one of your friends?"

"Um..." Kiera began but realized she didn't know what to call him.

Miss. Afere chuckled. "That's okay. Have you joined any clubs or sports yet? It's the one thing that's missing but would help next year if you decide to go to university."

Kiera sighed internally and shook her head at the woman.

"I'll give you a little challenge. Join at least one extracurricular by the end of this month and you'll have my personal recommendation for any university of your choice."

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