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Lance collapsed on his bed as soon as he got home. It was a good thing he showered at school because practice really drained him today. He groaned when his eyes glanced at the textbooks on his desk that he'd have to read for a class. Normally, he would've just done it but he had a lot on his mind. Kiera.

Lance wondered if he should just completely leave her alone. Of course, he didn't want that but she seemed very bothered by him. Especially today. Maybe he was too pushy and needed to give her space. Lance placed his hands over his face as he tried to think. As he sighed there was a knock on his door.

"Mom said dinner's ready," Halle's voice informed him.

Lance held up a thumb to let her know that he heard her. A few moments of silence passed then Halle spoke again. "Lance..."


"What...what's going on with you and Kiera?"

Lance moved his hands and sat up. He looked over at his sister and chuckled. "What do you mean?"

Halle eased off the door frame and folded her arms. Her classic stance as she tried to seem serious. "Like you guys always talking to each other, alone and stuff? In the hallway, at lunch...after school today."

Lance shook his head. "It's just a conversation, Halle. Something people do every day."

"Don't," Halle said abruptly. "Don't joke about this. I'm serious." She unfolded her arms and stepped further into the room. "Mariah won't talk to me."

"So this is what it's about," Lance replied. He stood up and placed his bag on his desk, then pulled his phone from his pocket and checked it.

"Lance, I saw her crying after lunch today."

Lance didn't reply immediately and made her wait a while as he pretended to read a message on his phone. When he thought she had waited long enough he put his phone down. When he looked up at her, her face was beat red as he expected. "It's been what? Three, four months now?" Lance nodded to himself. "Why are her feelings still my responsibility?"

"Because you hurt her," Halle sighed. "She was my friend and you dated her knowing that you weren't serious then broke her heart. That's why." Halle furrowed her eyebrows at her brother. "Have you even talked to her since then?"

Lance felt a pang in his chest at her words. No, he hadn't spoken to Mariah since and he had no intention of doing so. Truth is, he thought she would've taken the summer to get over their relationship. He definitely did. When they had gotten together last year, he figured it was just a fun high school relationship. He didn't have anything in him to take seriously at the time and thought she felt the same.

He definitely had feelings for her but they dwindled as the months went by. His dad had gotten even worse to deal with since work was stressing him out. And they had a game at the end of the semester which he had to put all his focus on. He didn't have time for her. However, Lance knew these were all excuses. He could've made it work if he wanted to but he wasn't ready to admit that yet.

"Last time I checked, she broke up with me. She'll be fine." Lance forced a smile as he pushed around a book on his desk. "We're graduating soon anyways and she'll be away from here and free to forget about me."

Halle shook her head. Then without another word, she left the room. Lance groaned as he collapsed on his bed again.

Eventually, he got up and went downstairs to join his lovely family for dinner. "It feels so good to finally be back at work," Sheree said excitedly. "That was some well-needed time off though." she smiled as she ate her food.

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