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Kiera decided to quickly look over some of the things she learned while listening to some music.

As she pulled out the books and sat at the desk her dad showed up. "So how was the tutoring session?" he asked as he leaned on the door frame.

"It was fine," Kiera said and waited for him to leave.

Instead, he sighed and walked into the room. He sat down on the bed and then said, "Kiera, I'm trying here." She didn't turn to look at him. "You have to say something more than just 'fine'."

"That's what it was. I don't know what else you want me to say," Kiera replied bluntly. Suddenly he wanted intel into her life as if he deserved any of that. When he didn't respond she continued. "I have to look over some stuff so."

Her dad stood up and was about to leave then stopped and said. "You've really changed. It doesn't feel like you're my little girl anymore."

Kiera rolled her eyes as he left. Of course, she didn't seem like that since she wasn't a little girl anymore. Maybe if he had paid attention for the past two years he would've noticed. She's the one who was hurt, not him.

Kiera spent the rest of the evening hitting the books which made her so exhausted she retired to bed early. Fortunately, her dad didn't wake her up to force her to eat dinner. She woke up early the next morning and found herself thinking about Lance. It was strange. Was she actually looking forward to seeing him?

Since it was a Sunday, her dad was at home. He liked to clean then since it was what her mom used to do. Kiera always hated cleaning which is why her room always looked the way it did. It was fine as long as she had space to move around. As she sat up in bed her eyes caught the metal box on the floor beside her desk. For a split second, she thought about opening it but decided that wasn't for the best.

She spent a while sitting in bed before her dad came upstairs and informed her of the chores that needed to be done. She didn't complain since Sundays were boring anyways, and she had lots of time to kill before she had to leave. She got up, got dressed, and trudged downstairs.

Halfway through wiping down the kitchen, she got a text from Halle. Apparently, there was a new blockbuster movie in theatres and she wanted Kiera to come along. Luckily it was a night movie and Kiera agreed to go, even if she'd have to let her dad know.

"Dad," Kiera said as she made her way to the laundry room. "I'm going to watch a movie later."

Her dad glanced around at her. "By yourself?" he asked.

"No, with my friend."

"Is this friend a boy?" He pressed.

Kiera shook her head. "No, they're not."

"Okay," He said and turned to what he was doing. "Don't say out too late."

Kiera knew she wouldn't have told him even if it was a guy since the reaction wouldn't have been optimal. He became a police about this ever since what happened with Corie. 

A couple of hours later Kiera stood in front of the bathroom mirror and pulled her braids into a ponytail. It was so hot outside that she really couldn't stand the feeling of it down her back. She hoped that as it drew nearer to December the weather would cool down. Soon she left the house and was on her way to the cafe with Lance.

* * *

"So you get it?" Lance asked her.


He breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god."

"Did you think I wouldn't?" Kiera narrowed her eyes at him.

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