Epilogue (Part 1)

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Kiera sighed softly as Lance started the car once again. They weren't there yet but she had to throw up again and he preferred she didn't try to hold it in. She felt some relief for a couple minutes until the inevitable nausea returned.

"You okay? Kiera felt a hand on her shoulder.

When she looked around, her eyes met with Lance's concerned ones. A nod was all she could muster before leaning back on the headrest.

"There's still time to turn back if you're not feeling up to it," Lance assured her.

"No," Kiera said, right in time as the familiar houses came into view. "You haven't seen your family in a while."

"Our family," Lance corrected her.

Kiera rolled her eyes. "They don't even know me," she rebutted.

"Yes they do," Lance chuckled.

"I mean, we're not close."

The last time they saw Kiera was back in high school after what Lance's sorry excuse of a dad did to him. She was just some girl who came to look for him. Kiera had no other reason to go back since her dad had moved for his job. They probably wouldn't remember her.

The Matthews treated Lance and Halle as their own children. She saw how it changed Lance over the years. He had a family to spend the holidays with and was sure they wanted him there. After each holiday he'd tell Kiera over the phone how he couldn't wait to have kids so they could be a part of the big family.

Kiera brushed his comments off every time. Having children wasn't something she ever thought about. It's not that she didn't want them but with all that was going on in her life she just didn't have the mental space for it.

Things were different though. They graduated from university a couple of months ago and moved in together. She thought about it then and decided she was okay with being someone's mother.

"You could be. And we're here," Lance said, breaking her out of her thoughts.

Kiera took a deep breath before they got out of the car and walked up to the front door. Lance knocked and gave her a reassuring smile.

Soon the front door opened and Dylan stood there with the brightest smile on her face. She immediately pulled Lance in for a hug.

"Finally," she said. "I was beginning to think you two weren't coming."

Kiera stood idly by the side and fiddled with her bag as she and Lance exchange some more words.

"Kiera," She acknowledged the girl and opened her arms for a hug which Kiera reciprocated. "It's so nice to see you again."

When they pulled back from the hug she continued, "How long has it been? Three years? How are you?"

"I'm good," Kiera replied.

Mrs. Matthews nodded and smiled at her. When Kiera realized she should probably said something back she added, "How are you, Mrs. Matthews?"

"Wonderful actually. It's always nice having family together for the holidays," Mrs. Matthews replied. "And please, call me Trish."

As Kiera nodded Trish took her back and ushered them both inside.

The house looked different from what she remembered. Not that she would remember much, but it was a whole new vibe. They probably redecorated after everyone left for university.

"Would you like some tea?" Trish looked at Kiera and Lance.

Lance shook his head. "Thanks, Mom, but it's still warm out. Maybe some lemonade," Lance added the last part with a cute smile, "Please."

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