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As Kiera walked behind the trio, her eyes scanned the environment. There were multiple doors on the ward but she immediately noticed Dylan sitting outside one of them. A woman stood next to him speaking.

Dylan looked up when they got closer to them and she could see weariness in his eyes.

"Is she still inside?" Halle asked him.

Dylan nodded.

"Who's inside?" Kiera asked but before anyone could respond she noticed the windows were open.

A woman in a suit sat near the bed with a notepad as she spoke. Kiera's eyes moved further and stopped when they landed on Lance's face. She couldn't make it out clearly but he seemed to have a couple of bruises.

"The social worker," Dylan answered again.

This caused Kiera to look around at them. She glanced between him and Halle who still didn't look at her. Jumbled thoughts floated around in her head as she tried to figure out what was going on with so little information. It seemed like she had to pry because they were acting so secretive.

"What happened?" Kiera asked in a raised voice. "Halle...you've been avoiding looking at me since we got here. How did Lance end up here?"

"Calm down," –Dylan stood up– "It really isn't our place to say."

Kiera's eyes narrowed at him. Lance was lying in a hospital bed and that was all he could tell her. Before she could reply with something not very nice, the door to Lance's room opened.

Out came the woman who was inside. When she saw the extra people, her eyes widened a bit. Instead of acknowledging them, she looked at Halle and the woman who stood with Dylan.

"I didn't want to cause any distress for him so I'll come back tomorrow and get some more information. And please, don't overwhelm him with questions." She stated. "Mrs. Matthews, Miss. Munroe, can I speak with you both, privately?"

"Of course," The woman who seemed to be Dylan's mom replied. She put a hand on Halle's shoulder as they walked off with the social worker.

The gathering at the door returned to one of silence until Dylan spoke. "You can go in if you want."

He opened the door first, and then Josie and Luca went in after him. Kiera stood there for a while as she didn't know what to expect. She wasn't sure if he even wanted to see her. What if she didn't know how to handle what happened to him?

"Kiera? You coming?" Luca asked her.

She nodded at the boy then slowly walked into the room, closing the door behind her. Kiera still didn't immediately go up to Lance like the others did. As they chatted Lance didn't seem to notice her. That was until Josie informed him of her presence.

Kiera smiled as Lance's eyes met with hers. She could see his face clearly then. The purple bruises were mostly around his eyes and mouth. They looked fresh as if they still hurt.

"Hi." Kiera managed to make herself say.

Instead of replying, Lance nodded once and looked away from her. He resumed talking with the others and acted as if she didn't exist. It felt as if something pierced her chest and caused it to ache so badly that she couldn't stand to be in the room anymore. Kiera turned and quickly went out the door. She didn't stop until she got to the elevator.

She was right. He didn't want to see her. He couldn't even be bothered to say one word. That's how little he wanted her there.

"Kiera." She heard Josie call to her.

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