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Kiera walked behind Halle as they entered the small room by the other end of the school. She immediately noticed multiple framed photos of writings hung on all the walls. However, she didn't try to figure out what they were. Instead, her attention turned to the people there. There wasn't a lot, but enough to fill almost all the chairs that were set out in rows.

People spoke with each other, while a colorful girl stood in front of a podium, gathering some papers. Halle motioned to Kiera for them to take seats. They sat in the third row just as the girl at the podium rang a bell.

"Okay guys, it's time to start our first meeting since we've been back," she wore a toothy smile. "I'm so excited to be your president again this year and I'm glad you all chose me to spend my final year at Berkton doing what I love," she said. A few students cheered while some clapped in response. "And for our new members, my name's Danielle Richards, and I've been the president of the poetry club for two years now. I..."

Kiera didn't hear what she said exactly after that. After she said that name. She knew it was a relatively popular name but didn't think she'd have to interact with anyone who had it so soon. Still, she tried to focus and block the memories of him that popped up in her mind.

She should've known it was poetry. She couldn't even stand that anymore. Not after it was something she had with her mom and then later shared with Corie. Both people weren't in her life anymore. Did it even have meaning anymore? Her hands balled into fists as she thought about the two of them. This whole place was a walking reminder.

"Today I wanted to take some pressure off you guys and allow you to recite any poem that you came up with over the summer. It can be anything you want." She used her hands to smooth the papers in front of her. "I'll go first."

"Um, could I maybe go first?" a louder voice from the back said. "I'm just nervous and the longer I wait the worst it gets."

The president looked up and nodded. "Yea, Julie. Come up."

Julie made her way to the front of the class as the president stepped aside. She held her head down as she organized the small cards in her hand and then looked up at the other members.

"So I wrote this poem based on something that happened to me a long while back." she began. "Uh...I've told people, like my family but I view you guys as my family too. I wanted to share it with you guys because I don't feel ashamed anymore. So, here goes."

Kiera didn't look at Julie as she began. Instead, her eyes were trained on her lap as she fought the urge to leave. She was no longer in the mood to be at poetry club.

"It's on my skin," she began. "It has sunken in, the feeling lingers, I scrub and srub to get it off with my fingers." she took a breath. "They did this to the vulnerable one, they turned this into a wound. I swore to myself I would not let it consume. But consume it did at one point, not forever. Since I now have found the line to it that severs."

Everybody snapped except Kiera. Quickly Kiera stood up and left the room. She heard Halle say something but she didn't stop to respond. Outside the hallways were scanty as most students had either left or were busy with extracurriculars. She was grateful that no one could see her at that moment.

Kiera pressed her back against the wall as she tried to calm down but pretty soon realized that was a bad idea. It just made the memories worse. As she walked off she heard Halle call her name.

"Kiera wait!" Halle called after her. Halle caught up with her as she was about to enter the bathroom. "Kiera stop. What's wrong?"

Kiera finally stopped. She took a deep breath and turned to face the worried girl standing behind her. She looked at Halle and wondered why she wouldn't just leave her be. It would've been easier for her to sit in the room and pretend like she didn't see her leave. Why did she have to make everything so difficult?

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