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"Now which one is it?" Kyle asked Kiera as he held up three cards in front of her face.

Kiera pointed at the middle card and Kyle sighed.

"You done now?" Dylan chuckled as he patted his defeated friend on the shoulder.

Kyle shook his head. "I'm coming back tomorrow, Kiera. With new tricks and then we'll see if you're so good at it."

Kiera smiled to herself. It was lunch period and Kyle had spent the past couple of minutes trying to get her with some card magic trick. Lance asked if they could have lunch alone, which she was surprised by but agreed. They decided to sit outside under the infamous tree and then Kyle and Dylan showed up. Lance had to get something from his car so they decided to keep her company until he got back. Kiera wasn't the most comfortable around them but decided to keep an open mind.

"Okay okay, I'm back. You guys can go now." Lance stated.

After gathering the cards, Kyle and Dylan said their goodbyes and headed to the cafeteria.

"Want a sandwich?" Lance ask as he sat down next to her.

Kiera looked up to find a fruit sandwich in his hand just like the ones they ate on the date.

"You made more?"

"Yep," Lance replied. "I saw how much you liked them."

Kiera smiled as she took the sandwich from him. "Thanks."

A moment of silence ensued as Kiera ate her sandwich. She enjoyed it compared to the noisiness of the cafeteria. All they could hear was the wind rustling the leaves on the trees, the occasional car passing by and the low radio of the guard that sat near the entrance.

Kiera looked up to find Lance watching her. She swallowed then said, "What?"

Instead of responding, he reached his hand over to her face. Instinctively Kiera pulled back.

Lance's eyebrows furrowed. "There's mayo on your face." He explained.

Kiera visibly relaxed and allowed him the wipe it off. She then took a sip of the water that she had sitting next to her and tried to ignore what happened.

"I never asked before, but what was your old school like?" Lance said randomly.

"Like a normal school," Kiera replied and wrapped the rest of her sandwich.

Lance chuckled. "Well yea. But, did you have a lot of friends there?" He asked. "And what happened why you had to leave?"

Kiera stared at her lap. The gears in her mind were turning as she tried to figure out how to tell him without really telling him anything. She couldn't bare the thought of him knowing exactly what happened. As much as she wanted to convince herself otherwise, she feared he'd see her differently if he knew.

"Why do you need to know so badly?"

"You can't answer a question with a question," Lance stated. "But to answer that. You've never mentioned it so I'm curious."

Kiera wondered if Halle told him anything. That would mean he was tricking her but he seemed genuinely interested. So instead of lying, she told him the same thing she told Halle. About her getting expelled and the reason for that. He didn't need to know anything else that happened.

Kiera wrapped her arms around herself as she finished talking. She stared out into the distance as she waited for his reply.

Instead of speaking immediately, he gently unwrapped her hands and held them in his. After a minute passed, he said "I understand. I know you didn't mean it."

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