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Kiera chuckled as Lance acted out some scene from one what he said was one of Halle's favorite movies. Kiera folded her legs as he plopped down next to her on the sofa. He leaned his head on the backrest as he smiled at her.

"Has Halle seen your version of Rosie?" Kiera asked.

"Many times," Lance replied. "She's not a fan. Don't know why though."

Kiera smiled as she placed her notebook on the center table. "Thanks. I didn't think I could study anymore."

"My pleasure," Lance replied. He moved over a bit so his body was right against hers and took her hand in his. "Your hands are so cute, you know that?"

Kiera playfully rolled her eyes.

"And as much as I'd like to continue admiring them, I really need to take a leak." Lance looked up at her.

"Upstairs. My room's the second door on the right. The bathroom's in there."

Lance nodded and planted a kiss on the back of her hand before he went upstairs.

As he disappeared, Kiera rested her head on the back of the sofa. It was really a strange experience having a guy in her house. She knew her dad would freak if he ever found out but something about defying him made her feel good. She shook her head as she was never the type of person to do those things. In fact, a couple months ago it would've seemed like a waste of time. But she couldn't help that being around him made her feel good. She didn't have to be left to her mind, thinking about all the things she wanted to get away from. That was all she needed at the moment.

After waiting a while, Kiera stood from the sofa and stretched as she wondered what was taking Lance so long. She picked up her books from the table and made her way upstairs.

Kiera's eyes widened when she got to her front door and saw Lance standing near her desk. More importantly, the box that she kept there was on the desk, opened. And Lance had pieces of loose paper looking at.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kiera fumed. She walked in, threw her books on the bed and grabbed the papers from his hand. She took them and shoved them into the box and closed it. "You said you wanted the bathroom. I didn't realize that involved looking through my stuff."

"Kiera," Lance began. "I was just curious. And these are grea–"

Kiera's eyes narrowed at the guy. "So what?" she raised her voice at him. "I don't know why I even let you come up here."

"Kiera I'm sorry, okay?" Lance's voice raised to match hers. "I shouldn't have looked through your stuff."

Kiera glanced at his face and a wave of guilt washed over her. She immediately realized that she had blown up too much at him. She sat down on the bed and placed her head in her hands. A minute of silence passed before she felt the bed sink next to her.

"Hey," Lance said softly. "I won't touch your stuff again. Really." He then added. "But I know what those were. They were your poems."

Kiera closed her eyes and breathed in deeply. It was the best she could do to calm herself down enough to talk to him. Though she wasn't sure if she wanted to talk to him. He'd already seen the poems. She knew what would come next.

"They're really good." Lance added cautiously. He gently held her hands and took them from her face. "Kiera, look at me."

Kiera sighed to herself and turned to face the boy. Worry was clearly painted over his face. Still she remained silent.

"I won't bring it up again if you don't want me to but I had to tell you. You should keep writing. You have a great talent, Kiera. I know your mom would've wanted you to keep writing."

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